Tuesday, July 23, 2024


JULY 23 2024
Up at 4:45AM. Hubby took the dogs out for potty, then came to wake me up. 
I got up and dressed. Went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby.
Then I started the dishwasher.
We put the collars on the dogs. Hubby lifted Riley up on the counter because she always wiggles when she has to get her collar put on.
We took the FMF (with the trailer still on it) and drove to the Sun City Rec Center and walked the dogs on the soft green grass beside the building. 

It was only 79F Degrees this morning!!!

Hubby had to yell at me because he saw the tea mug that I had put in the pouch behind the FMF passenger seat. It should have been unloaded 2 days ago, when he took everything out of the car. But it had stretched out the leather and he was upset. I told him that car shit doesn't matter. 

We walked the dogs in the grass for about 30 minutes, then the watering system for the golf course came out and it stank like shit so we had to leave.

Drove back home. 

At home, we unloaded the dogs. Hubby filled the pool in the back yard again because the water had all evaporated. 

Hubby made breakfast eggs for the dogs and fed them.

I made tea & Nanogreens for myself.

I did bookwork. Hubby sat down to watch Automotive shows on TV. 

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