Tuesday, July 16, 2024


JULY 16 2024 

Up at 5AM. Hubby took the dogs out for potty.

I was up at 5:15AM and dressed. 

I quickly went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby. 
I cleaned out cat litter, grabbed another white bage of garbage and did another garbage run out to the can at the street.

Then Hubby dressed. We got collars on the dogs and took them out to the FMF and drove to Old Mill Park. We walked the dogs in the grass. It was still a cool 86F degrees! We stayed to the shade of the trees. Riley pooped and I had to go back to the FMF and fetch several dog plastic bags. Then I picked it up. Tater also had watery poop which I tried my best to pick up. 


Hubby took the bags to the dumpster over by the toilets, he woke up some homeless dude sleeping on a bench. The guy walked off across the street to the overpass.

We gave the dogs some water by the FMF and left. Drove to Starbucks to pick up egg bites.

Drove home. Let the dogs outside again. Then gave them more fresh water. 
Smelled like sewage when we came home, I started the mega fan from in the garage. We had left the front door open for the cats and the stupid golf course had been watering. Maybe from there? Hubby ran all the water in the sinks to clear out the traps. Then we turned on fans. I cleaned out Hubby's toilet because there were feces stuck on the sides of the bowl.
I cleaned out the cat litter again.

Hubby made breakfast for the dogs while I made tea/Nanogreens for myself.
Hubby left for the shop at 8:45AM. 
Hubby put away the cantaloupe, watermelon, oranges, and bananas. 
I kept putting things away for the cleaners. 

I did bookwork.

The cleaners got here at 10AM; rang the doorbell. 

Dogs and I sat on the back deck with the misters working (did not help) and the mega fan blowing hot air on us. Riley REALLY DID NOT LIKE SITTING OUTSIDE. She kept trying to get inside.

Cleaners were done at 11AM and we came inside. It was so much cooler. I had turned the A/C down to 68F degrees. I turned it back up to 73F degrees.

I put everything back away again.
Dogs and I took a nap until Hubby texted me at 2:30PM to run a credit card.
Hubby got home at 3PM. He made lunch for himself and watched TV.
We went to bed at 10PM.

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