Thursday, July 18, 2024


Up at Midnight and went to sleep on the sofa because Hubby was snoring so loudly. At 3AM, I woke up in a sweat, my shirt was drenched. I threw off the blanket and my shirt. I went to turn the A/C to 70F degrees. I went potty.
Then back to sleep on the sofa. 
Hubby was up with the dogs at 4:30PM. I went to sleep in the bedroom. 
Hubby woke me up at 4:45AM. 
I got dressed. Made the bed. 
Went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby. 
We put collars on the dogs and put them in the FMF. I brought the drinks. It was already 90F degrees outside.
We drove to the Library Learning Center and walked the dogs on the grass. Both of them pooped. I picked up the poo. 
Some guy with 2 dogs walked thru the area and Hubby went to get the car while I waited on the other side of the building. Hubby parked. We gave the dogs some water. Riley refused to drink.
Hubby had to go potty, so we went home at 5:30PM.
At home, Hubby went potty. I did bookwork. Did payroll. Hubby watched Automotive shows on TV. 
Hubby left for the shop at 8:45AM. 

I put away clean clothes. I put away clean dishes. I put more dishes in dishwasher after cleaning kitchen.

I sat down to watch TV. Fell asleep on the sofa with the dogs.

At 12:30PM, the Bug Spray guy came and sprayed.
I watched Endeavour on TV today. My right arm was hurting again and I could not do much. 
Hubby got home at 3:30PM.
It was too hot to do anything, so we did not go to the pool.

We watched TV.

Went to bed at 10PM.

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