Wednesday, June 05, 2024


JUNE 5 2024

Hubby was up with dogs at 3:45AM. I went potty & back to bed. They all came  back to bed and Riley had to calm down because she wanted to play. Finally back to sleep.

Hubby up with dogs at 6AM. He made breakfast for them & let them out to potty.

I slept until 6:30AM. Then got up and dressed.

Made the bed.

Went to kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

Hubby was watching Automotive shows on TV. He had a bloody nose that lasted until 9:30AM. 

Then he called Doggy Daycare in St George to reserve a spot for Riley & Tater on Friday.
Hubby called TDS and cancelled service. They will send a box to return the equipment. 
Hubby cleaned cat litter. Then he left for the shop at 9:40AM. Drove the FMF to the shop.

I sent Riley's vaccines and paperwork to Dogtown Doggy Daycare. 


Cats went nuts at a Gecko on the back patio wall.

I did bookwork. I put away clean dishes. I put away clean clothes. I ordered some earrings on Etsy.

I watched TV.

Hubby got home at 4PM. 

Hubby made burger on the stove. It started stinking and I could not breathe. Had to open the doors and turn on the power fan. 

I put out the Lick Mat outside with peanut butter for the dogs. 

I hooked up the Google Home devices with the new Wi-Fi passwords.

I did bookwork until 8PM. Hubby trimmed his beard.
We watched Burn Notice re-runs. 

I cleaned the kitchen and started the dishwasher then vacuumed cat litter. Hubby cleaned the cat litter box. 

I took a hot bath at 10:30PM.

We went to bed at 11PM. I took a couple Melatonin.

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