Friday, June 07, 2024


JUNE 7 2024 
Up at 5AM. I made the bed. I went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea for me. Hubby made breakfast for dogs.
We loaded dogs into the FMF, pulling the trailer and drove to St George. 
Dropped dogs off at Doggy Daycare. 
Stop at Deseret Industries donation. Donation closed until 9AM. 
Harbor Freight. Shop for lights, dog leashes, tie-downs.
Back to Deseret Industries donation. Drop off Donations. 
Drove to Costco and parked; walked up to the front door. Costco closed until 10AM. People were sitting outside waiting for the doors to open. Mostly old, fat people. We decided to leave and drive to Beans & Brews to get coffee walk-in. Dropped off a Duck on a white Jeep. 
Drive to Costco. Lots of people there now. Really hot outside.
Buy Ziploc bags, Paper towels, dog toys, women's shorts, candy, pillows.
Check out and talked to Keegan, Costco worker who is 6'11" tall. 
Load car. 
Drive to Cedar place and load Cedar on trailer.
Drive to Lowes and it takes 1 hour to buy a grille. Ran into Rick & Cindy, customers from shop. Finally check out 1 hour later. Propane tank guy does not have keys. 101 degrees F in car. 

Pick dogs up at Doggy Daycare. Riley did not enjoy other dogs, hung around with staff all day. She was soaking wet from being near the misters. She was too hot. Does not like the hot weather.


We gave them water and loaded them into FMF. Drove to Arby's and got burgers. They were starving. Both dogs fell asleep in car on the way home. Tater really loves his padded bed in the back seat of the FMF. 


Stopped at Flying J in Littlefield, but some obnoxious bikers who were smoking were standing in front of door blocking people from entering and exiting. Hubby decided to drive to Beaver and get lottery tickets from the TA Plaza instead. Saw some weird woman vaping that was walking in from a large boat in the parking lot.

Drove to Mesquite. At home, unloaded groceries, put chocolates in fridge so would not melt further. Let dogs out for potty. They fell asleep at home. Tater is really tired. 

At 2:45PM, we took Riley in the FMF to the Vet, left Tater home in the A/C.  Took until 3:05 for assistant to come get dog after her 2:50 appointment to get her stitches out. 

I finally left and we drove to woodworker's house and unloaded the cedar from the trailer. Then Hubby dropped the trailer off at Jose's yard. 

Hubby drove us home and unloaded us. He then took the car to Scenic at 5PM to check on a wrecked UTV to purchase. Hubby was home by 6PM after washing the FMF. 

I took a nap in the bedroom from 6PM to 8PM. I was exhausted. 

We watched TV - re-runs of Burn Notice, Silent Witness. 

Then we went to bed at 11PM.

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