Thursday, June 20, 2024


JUNE 20 2024
Hubby was up at 5AM for potty with the dogs. Then they came back to bed and settled down. Had to reprimand Riley a couple times to get her to sleep and not bother everybody.
Then Hubby got up at 6AM to feed breakfast to the dogs. I slept until 6:30AM. 
I got up and dressed. Made the bed.
Conditioned my hair by rinsing it out in the front bathroom tub and putting conditioner on it. I made Hubby try my heat/steam head mask. He thought it was OK.
I made Latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.
Hubby cleaned cat litter. 
I did bookwork and paid Payroll.
Hubby is going to take the Jeep today up to St George to change the oil at the Dealership, which I think is a bad idea because every time we go to a Dealership, SOMETHING GOES WRONG. 
I will drive the FMF today.
At 8:30AM, Hubby left for the shop. 
I did little more work around the house, unplugged things so Riley would not chew on them. Locked doors. I left at 9AM. Drove to Enliven. Got shot from Anna. Rodney was there and surprised me. I talked to him for a while.
Then I stopped at GS Nails and gave Andy some money to pay for my nails.
I drove to Ink by Britt and waited in the FMF A/C until it was 10AM. I walked in and got 3 more piercings. 2 in the Right Ear going up the Inner Lobe and 1 in the Left Earlobe. 

Took a picture of Ally and McKennah and told Ally she looked like Chris, the mechanic.

I paid and left. Drove home.

At home, Riley had gotten up on the table, knocked down all my shampoos and conditioners, eaten some cardboard and my bag for the steam heat mask. 

I had to clean all that up. Let the dogs outside for potty. Vacuum.
I put clothes in dryer and started it.
I made sausage and egg bites. I was hungry, starving. I sat down to watch TV, but ROKU had to be booted up again.
I conditioned my hair again and then sat outside to dry it. Some old biddy across the street WAS TALKING LOUDLY. So loudly that she drowned out all the cars & heavy equipment going by on the street. So I turned on the Google Home stereo and played music loudly.
Hubby called and said he was driving to St George with the Jeep and wanted to know if I would come with him. I told him that I could not leave the dogs alone that long as Riley had chewed everything.
My computer had shut down and had to be booted up again. 

Hubby returned back to Mesquite at 5PM  after getting the oil changed. 

I had to take a nap because I was so tired. Then I got up at 6PM and took a hot bath because I was in so much pain. Took a couple Prednisone to help.

After the bath, I got dressed. Waited until 7:30PM and took the dogs down to the Grassy Area for exercise. Several golf carts when past us. 

We drove back home and let the dogs out back for potty. 

Watched more Dexter re-runs on TV.

Went to bed at 10PM.

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