Thursday, June 06, 2024


 JUNE 6 2024
Up at 6:30AM. Hubby had gotten up with the dogs at 4:30AM and stayed on the back patio with them. 

I dressed and got into a pair of jeans that I have not worn for 10 years! The Diet drug IS WORKING, but working slowly. Even Hubby noticed I have lost weight. He keeps calling me "skinny girl". 

I finally settled on a different pair, but it is REALLY NICE to fit into jeans that are TWO SIZES smaller than what I have been wearing for the last 5 years.

Tater & Riley came to see me in the bathroom while I was getting dressed. They are always so happy in the mornings!

I made a latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself in the kitchen. I put away clean dishes. I put dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

I picked up dog poo outside. 

Hubby pulled the Wyze doorbell out of the front mounting, so we could reach the back for the "re-set" button. I had to program it over witht he new Wi-Fi from Reliance. Finally got that done (Hubby lost a screw on the ground-it just DISAPPEARED).

While we were outside, I turned on the Merlin App and identified two birdies singing - House Finch and Cliff Swallow. There were two birdies sitting on the tree outside and I got a picture of them!

I vacuumed up cat litter and then Hubby changed cat litter. I started laundry in the dryer.

I had to get ready as it was already 8:45AM. I locked the doors. Hubby had already loaded all his stuff into the FMF. I drove the Jeep. Forgot my phone inside and had Hubby call me. It was in the office!

We drove into Mesquite and I went to Enliven to get my Toradol, Biotin, and Diet shot. Then I went to Walmart to get more groceries. Mr Clean have completely changed their packaging and made it "more concentrated" at higher price, but less liquid. Losers.

I drove to the shop and signed Hubby into his email account. Tried to clean up his other accounts, too but it did not work. I will have to come back later. 

Drove to Ink by Britt down Mesquite Boulevard. Passed a Husky dog in a white Jeep and it was sticking its head out, barking. So cute. The girl at the piercings placed mentioned it~!

On Mesquite Boulevard, a new truck being driven by a VERY OLD MAN AND WOMAN. Think LOTS of wrinkles finally turned off, but had been backing traffic up in the right lane. Probably 10mph? Had a sticker on it - Let's Go Brandon. WHY do these people do this? I really hate their attitudes.

At the piercing shop, McKennah pierced my ears and I bled a lot on my upper ear-the Helix where she was going to put a hoop. 

I later found out that I was probably bleeding so badly because of my Toradol shot. Not doing that next time!

They finally got the bleeding to stop and put the hoop in. I paid and gave them $100 tips. (for putting up with my bleeding).

Then I drove home. 

At home, let the dogs out for potty. Picked up more poo. Put laundry in dryer. Put away clean clothes. Put away clean dishes. Unloaded groceries and put them away.

Gave dogs their supplements. 

I watched TV; re-runs of Silent Witness.
Hubby got home at 4PM. He made dinner.
We went swimming at the Sun City Rec Center.  

Came back home and I was exhausted. We watched TV until 9PM. I went to bed.

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