Wednesday, June 26, 2024


JUNE 26 2024 
Dogs were up at 3AM to go potty. Then we all went back to bed. 

I was up at 5AM when the alarm went off for my wake up on Google Home.

I dressed. Went to the kitchen to make a latte for Hubby, tea for me. 

I put out cheese & milk for cats. 

I sat until 5:30AM when Hubby & the dogs got up. I let the dogs out for potty. Then Hubby made breakfast eggs for them. I made the bed. I put dirty laundry in washer. 

I left at 5:55AM for my appointment at GS Nails.

At the nail place, Andy cut/filed my nails back WAY TOO FAR. I mentioned it to him, but he said he trimmed them. Then he FILED off the GEL polish and burnt my nail bed. I was kinda pissed about that because I thought he would soak the gel off in acetone. He put on the new color, which I just hate. Even though I picked it out, it looks like crap. It is turquoise. 

Then Andy took me over and painted my nails in the same yucky color. Gross. Andy massaged my feet for a while. 

I paid at 7AM and left. Some other woman had come in. 

I drove home. (forgot to take it over and wash it) Backed the Jeep into the garage. Came inside. Dogs were happy to see me. 

I helped Hubby clean up the kitchen. Make the bed. He broke down the kennel and put it in the garage.

Hubby left for the shop at 8:30AM.
I decided that I was done with getting nails done, especially with my nails being torn, ragged, infected all the time. I need to take everything off and start again just like my hair.
I cleaned everything off the counters so the Window Cleaners could clean.
Window Cleaners got here at 11:30AM. They cleaned until 

FED EX delivered a tire here before we left for swimming. Hubby put it in the garage. The smell of it stank up the garage.
Went swimming at 5:10PM. We drove the FMF to the Community Center. Had to park next to another car for the shade in the sales lot.

Instead of going outside (because of chance of children in the pool, rude people, and walkers -not the zombie type in the pool) we decided to try the inside pool because there WAS NO ONE IN THERE. I walked in down the ramp, but it was COLD. No heat at all. I went to dip in the hot tub, then got back inside the pool. It was much better. We started to do walking back and forth in the lanes. Another couple came in the pool wherein the husband would rudely snot/blow his nose in the water every time he was done with a lap SO FUCKING GROSS. I was going to vomit. They finally sat in the hot tub and left. Another couple men came in to do laps, but it was 6:10PM and I was done. We sat in the hot tub for a while then left. Walked thru the exercise room to see they had REALLY CRAMMED all the new exercise equipment into the room. Wow.

Drove home. 

Hubby watched Automotive shows for a while. We watched Brooklyn 99 for a while. 

When I was getting the bed ready for sleep, I noticed a big urine spot on the top. I think the cat did it, but Hubby thought the dog did it. It was near the top, but nothing else had urine stain on it. 

So Hubby put the comforter in the washer to start before we went to bed. However, he forgot to put it in the dryer before we went to bed.

At 9:30PM, Hubby was snoring on the sofa, so we got ready and went to bed. Hubby was in bed with the dogs before I was ready. I had to get ice water, get undressed, brush my teeth.

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