Sunday, June 16, 2024


JUNE 16 2024
Up at 5:30AM. Hubby had already gotten up with the puppies at 5AM and taken them out on the patio for potty. Tater & Riley were barking, so I woke up.
I dressed. Made the bed. 
Hubby said Riley had eaten cat poop and thrown up. She seemed to be listless and lying around sick. So Hubby sat down and held her.
Cleaned my earrings piercings. 
Went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.
I vacuumed cat litter. I put dirty clothes in washer. I cleaned up kitchen and put away clean dishes. I put dirty dishes in dishwasher. 
Hubby installed the 3rd blinds in the bathroom that won't stay on with velcro. He lined it thoroughly this time.

I put laundry in dryer. Played blue golf ball with Riley. She seemed a little livelier. Hope she is not sick.


We left in the Jeep at 8:45AM to go get Pedicures/Nails done. Hubby will meet Mark J at Mad Mike's to talk with him. 

Left at 8:45AM and went to get Pedicures. KRL called and wished Hubby a Happy Father's Day. 

Hubby got done at went to meet Mark at 10AM. They had breakfast. 

Then I got my nails done. Took off the acrylics and put on just Gel Polish. I need to get my cuticles & nails healthy again.

I went over to Mad Mike's and sat down at the table with Mark and Hubby, then Scott N came over to sit down. He talked about his upcoming trip from the end of June to October on his Harley. 

We left at 3:15PM. I went out to get the Jeep and picked Hubby up at the door. We drove to the Walmart car wash and washed the Jeep. Hubby was upset that it was not the brushless one (had 2 cars waiting) and that it was moving the antenna. I told him he was drunk and calm down.

I drove home. Hubby backed the Jeep into the garage.

I went inside to let the dogs out. Riley knocked my tea & the box of leftover food from Hubby's breakfast at Mad Mike's. I had to clean it up. 

Then I started the dryer again. Put away clean clothes. Washed more clothes.

Put away clean dishes. 

Sat down to watched Bullet Train with Brad Pitt. 

We finished that show at 2:30PM. I got changed into bathing suit and jeans. Took the dogs out where Tater had trouble walking. Riley pooped and peed outside. I took the poop to the garbage can.

Hubby put away clean clothes.

We left at 3PM for our massage at Casablanca. Hubby drove there in the Jeep; we had to valet park. LOTS OF CARS THERE. Some assholes parked in the THRU lane and just parked their car and jumped out. We waited for a while. Finally got valet to come get car.

Inside lots of people were standing right in the aisles. Some handicapped guy in a wheelchair was just gaping mouth staring at machines. 

We got out and walked to the Day Spa. I asked an attendant if you could pay a day fee and swim there, but she said you had to be registered at the hotel.

We got our robes, shoes, keys. I was #8, Hubby was #6. We changed and went to the pool. It was dirty again. We need to complain about it. The toilet in the women's handicapped stall was backed up.

We swam until we saw Kim & Rayven looking for us. Went to the couples massage room. 

Had our massage. Got done and took showers. 

We left and went out. In the casino area, they were remodeling. Hubby got hit in the balls by some stupid drunk woman that was sitting at the machines and flinging her hands around.

Went to get hot dogs & ice cream, but they were already closed!

Got our car from the Valet. Drove to Smith's and got ingredients for Mormon Funeral Potatoes because Rayven & Kim had been telling us about them. We bought hashbrowns, sausage, cookies, sushi from the deli because Hubby had to have some.

Got home and let dogs out. Hubby brought in the groceries.

Hubby made the potatoes. I washed laundry and paid credit card bills.

Riley peed in the hallway. I had to clean it up.

We watched TV for a while. I went to bed at 10PM. Hubby went to bed at 11PM.

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