Monday, June 03, 2024


JUNE 3 2024
Took 2 Benadryl before bedtime and 1 Prednisone. I was exhausted.
Up at 1AM to fix the screeching in the toilet. I flushed it and went back to bed.  

Dogs got up with Hubby this morning at 5AM. I was up at 5:45AM. 

Had weird dreams all night. 

I got dressed and went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

Hubby made the bed.

I did bookwork. Check from Mark J for all his invoices to date. 

Then I had to re-do some insurance info for Jay N. The Insurance company keeps giving the incorrect info to submit.

We watched some TV before Hubby left for the shop in my Jeep. He left the truck/camper plugged in parked out front of the house. I will have to clean the rest of it and do the piss-stained bedding.

Hubby left at 8:30AM. 

Bulldog Pest Control guy came at 9:20AM. He sprayed and left. Robert started licking some poison in the house. 

I did bookwork. Paid new Verizon Visa billing.
The Bug Spray guy saturated our garage, so I had to put out 3 fans to dry it out. Left the garage door open for 2 hours.
I went out to the trailer. Door would not open. Had to take out steps. 

I brought laundry inside, disposed of the marijuana gummies that had made Hubby so sick and were still in the camper fridge, brought garbage inside to throw away.

I did more bookwork. I let Riley & Tater out for potty.
I watched TV. 
I put away clean laundry. I put away clean dishes.
Hubby got home at 4:30PM.
He made dinner and watched TV.
I did bookwork. 
Riley had zoomies at 6PM. 

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