Tuesday, June 18, 2024


JUNE 18 2024

Up at 5AM with the dogs. Hubby took them out for potty. I stayed in bed and slept until 6:30AM. 

I got up and dressed. Took the sheets off the bed to wash. 
I started putting away everything on our dressers & counters. Put away everything in the bathroom.
I gave the dog bowl & the cat bowl to Hubby for re-filling with clean water as he was in the kitchen.
Hubby then helped me make the bed with clean sheets. Riley came in to the bedroom to run after Sage, the black cat, and then she stayed to play with us while we made the bed.

Hubby went out to continue cooking eggs for the dogs. He fed the dogs. 

I opened the curtains in the front bedroom and saw that our garbage can was the ONLY ONE IN THE WHOLE STREET that had blown over in the wind last night! There was garbage strewn everywhere and I went out there to pick it up and pick up the garbage.

I came back inside and rinsed my hair in the tub in the front bathroom. I then went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

I did bookwork briefly and got Hubby an Amazon APP on his phone so he can do his returns online.

Then I went outside and picked up dog poo.

I started working on the Segway application. Need additional photos of Showroom & Mechanic area.

It is only 70 degrees outside today. Only supposed to get to a high of 92 degrees? Wow. Just like Spring!

Hubby left at 8:40AM. He took stuff with him to put in the camper.

I vacuumed the cat litter and the front patio where the wind had blown in all the plant debris. I dumped the filter and washed it out. Put it out back to dry.

I did bookwork until 10AM. I put away things for the Cleaners. Picked up all Riley's toys in bags and put them on the patio.

I called Ink by Britt and talked to Ally. Told her that my screw in ball had come off and I needed to have a new one put in; she said to come down. I loaded Riley in the Jeep and we drove down there. I left Riley in the Jeep with the windows down, parked RIGHT IN FRONT while I went inside and got Ally to put in another ball. She was really nice about it. I just cannot get over how much like Chris (our old mechanic) she looks like and sounds like! I need to take a picture of her and show her to the guys.

I drove to the shop and had Hubby hold Riley while I filled Tater's water bowl, took pictures of the front showroom with the Labor price sign in the room. Hubby started arguing with me that he had already taken pictures. I told him that he had not taken a picture of the Labor Price sign since he HAD LOST IT ON THE WAY TO THE SHOP!
I texted Hubby's pictures on his phone to my phone. Then a customer came. I took Riley and we left. 
At home, I let Riley out for potty. I did more bookwork and put away more things.

The Cleaners arrived at 11:45AM. They cleaned while Riley & I were on the back patio. She had treats in a puzzle and then we worked on the command "DOWN". She did pretty good. I had made tea, nanogreens, a cheese sandwich, and taken my turkey bacon for lunch as we sat out back. It was not very hot at all. I had the overhead fan running outside on the patio.

We came inside at 1PM and I put everything away. I was really tired. 

I watched TV. 

Went down to get the mail at 3:30PM. Saw Dave, neighbor, at Joe's house (neighbor from Idaho) said that his water sprinkler system had broken so he was cleaning it up. I joked with him that he had Alzheimers and did not know what house he was living at, or wife-swapping. Neighbor next door laughed.

So Dave walked me all the way back home, talking to me. 

From USPS, I got more earrings from Body Candy.

I ordered more embroidery boxes from Amazon for the earrings.

From UPS, I got conditioning products that I ordered from Miss Jessie. But a lot of them stink and I will not use them. So I boxed them up again to donate.

I called Hubby, he is on his way home after stopping at Pat's

Hubby & Tater got home at 4:30PM. 

I did bookwork until 5:30. Updated Facebook with pictures for business.

Hubby made food on the clean cooktop. I gave Tater some cheese tax. 

There was too much wind to go swimming, and it was too cold so the pool would not be warm enough. We decided to stay home and watch TV. 

I played with Riley throwing her toys down the hallway. 
We rented the movie Mr. Right 2015 with Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick on Amazon. Very good movie. 
We went outside for a while at 9:30PM and had to come inside at 10:45PM as it was starting to smell like SHIT from golf course watering.
Hubby went to bed. I was not tired, so I stayed up and watched TV. Took 2 Melatonin. 
I had to put away clean clothes, start the dishwasher, fill the dog & cat bowls with fresh water & ice cubes.  

Riley and I finally went to bed at Midnight. 

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