Tuesday, June 25, 2024


JUNE 25 2024
Up at 6:30AM. Got dressed. Made the bed.

Went to kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

Hubby was making dog breakfast. Riley was getting her first big girl breakfast - eggs, potatoes. She has not been eating her canned food this week, so Hubby thought she needed to have food like Tater.

She ate it all up!

Hubby had his latte and got dressed. 

He sat on the sofa to watch Automotive shows.

I cleaned up the kitchen and put dishes in dishwasher. Then I started it. I went to do my hair in the bathroom.

I did bookwork. 

I put dirty clothes in washer and started it.

Hubby did cat litter. I vacuumed up everything.

I went outside with the dogs to pick up dog poo.

Then Hubby left at 8:30AM. He was back at 9AM when he rang the front doorbell. I answered it and he said he forgot his cell phone which was still plugged in to the wall by the coffee maker. 

He left again.

I put away clean clothes. I put away clean dishes. I ate egg bites that I had warmed up in the air-fryer.

I sat down to soak my feet in tea tree salts & hot water. Then I put on Kersal Intensive Repair Foot Mask and wore them. Dumped out the dirty foot soaking water. 

I brought in the boxes from Amazon that the USPS had delivered. Earring from Etsy that I had ordered, Briotech spray for my piercings. 

Hubby got home at 3:30PM after going back to get my bread at the shop.
We watched TV for a while. 
Joe H called and talked to Hubby for a while.
We went swimming at 5PM.
We got there at 5:10PM and checked into the front desk. At the pool, there was some little kid STILL SWIMMING. I immediately went inside and complained. The stupid front desk woman HAD HER SECURITY CAMERAS FROM THE POOL RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. But ignored it. I told her that it was the rules that kids leave the pool at 5PM. THIS IS NOT A FAMILY FACILITY. It is a retirement community. My HOA dues do NOT go towards this. 
She muttered that she was ALONE and had to find somebody. So I went back to swim. 
Finally, some maintenace bald fat guy came out and kept apologizing to the older couple saying the kid would need to leave "BECAUSE SOMEBODY COMPLAINED". No, fuckface. It is HOA regulations. The old people kept saying "WE DIDN'T KNOW THAT'. Yeah, you republican assholes. You deliberately don't read and familiarize yourself with HOA rules & regulations because YOU ARE SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES. God, I am so sick and tired of these idiots thinking nothing applies to them because WE CAN GET AWAY WITH IT. 
They left REALLY SLOWLY. Took them another 10 minutes. By now, it is almost 5:40PM.  

Then more people started coming to the pool. Some extremely large people decided that they were going to do laps around the outside of the pool, right where Hubby and I were hanging out with our pool noodles. The woman rudely pushed by us several times. We finally went over farther and then some other women had to come in the pool wearing a TON OF PERFUME. It made me want to vomit. How do these people do it? Do they soak in a pool of perfume?

We finally left at 6:10PM. 

Went home. We watched TV for a while-Brooklyn 99. 
Hubby had brought bread home and I made a cheese sandwich.

Hubby made the bed for me. I went to bed at 9:30PM.

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