Thursday, June 13, 2024


JUN 13 2024 

Hubby was up at 5AM with the dogs sitting on the patio. Lots of people with dogs walking by our back fence and Tater decided to bark at them. 

Hubby came inside to make breakfast for the dogs and feed them. He gave cheese & milk to the cats.

I got up at 6AM. Made the bed. Got dressed.

Re-did my hair again. More curls.

I put dirty laundry in washer. I cleaned kitchen and put dirty dishes in dishwasher. 

I picked up dog poo.

I did bookwork.

Hubby got a call from customer who was stuck on Hardy Way with dead UTV. He drove there to get it. 

I vacuumed cat litter. I got ready to go. 

I left at 8:55AM. Saw that there was a customer UTV in front of our house. Hubby was not here. He had to take customer home. 

I drove to Enliven and got my Diet shot at 9AM. There was 2 customers coming out of the Med Spa at 9AM, so they must have opened early.

Afterwards, I drove to Walmart and picked up some more hair care stuff. I forgot a cart, so had to carry it all in my arms.
I paid and left. 

Drove to the shop and hung out, looking for hats that Hubby said were no where to be found. I found them in the back in a grocery cart. 

Marcel said he wanted another fan. I will order one. 

Hubby was talking on the phone the whole time I was there. 

Then I left and drove to Ink by Britt to get my next piercing done by McKennah. I got an Industrial Bar in my left ear and a blue earring put into the right ear tragus.
I drove to Poncho's Taco shop because I was hungry and got beef enchilada, cheese enchilada, tamale, and chips with guacamole. I barely ate anything at home. I was not hungry.
Let the dogs outside for potty. I played with the dogs. 
I conditioned my hair with the new stuff I bought at Walmart.
I took some Gabapentin.  The USPS guy came early and left packages on the front porch. I opened up the packages. New hair dryer, new earrings from Etsy.

I put away clean clothes. I put away clean dishes. 

I took a nap on the sofa. I was kinda hurting badly. My ears were OK, but I hurt everywhere else.

Tater and I sat on the back patio for an hour. Riley did not want to be outside in the heat. 

Hubby got home at 3:15PM. He ate some of the Mexican food that I had purchased.

Then I drove the Jeep and we went to the UPS store to drop off packages, we drove to the guy's house that is making our cedar hot tub and left him the tools. We drove home. 

At home, I changed into a bathing suit and we went to the swimming pool at the Rec Center. Hubby drove the Jeep.

There was almost nobody there from 5:15 to 6:15. Irl and Kathy finally came. Because it was overcast all day and they ARE NOT HEATING THE POOL, it was cool. The wind was also blowing to make it even cooler. I got out at 6PM and went to sit in the hot tub, but some asshole had to come over and bother me. HE WANTED THE JETS ON. People are so rude. I had to get out so he could have his fucking jets on. 

Hubby and I left.We drove home. 

I was exhausted. Conditioned my hair again. 

Hubby made more food and ate. He made me a cheese sandwich. 


Hubby started out watching Automotive shows, but fell asleep and started LOUDLY SNORING on the sofa. 

At 9:30PM, we went to bed.

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