Sunday, June 09, 2024


JUNE 9 2024
Dogs were up at 5AM and Hubby took them out for potty. Tried to bring them back to bed, but Riley would not settle. 
Hubby brought me a couple Prednisone as I was hurting pretty badly.
I went out to sleep on the sofa as the dogs kept hitting my left leg where it is still bruised from falling off the ladder to the camper last week. 
I fell asleep on the sofa. Hubby brought the dogs out to the back patio and told me to go back to bed. 
Hubby made breakfast for the dogs.
I slept until 7AM.  I got up and dressed. Went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby and tea for myself.

I put away dirty dishes in the dishwasher. 

Hubby kept drying clothes from last night and finally put away a load that got dried. 

He put more clothes in the dryer. 

I went outside to pick up 6 loads of dog poo. Tater's were pretty runny because he has been taking painkillers & Benadryl for his rash.

Hubby watched Automotive shows on TV. 

I did bookwork and paid some credit card bills.

Took RV accessories, paper towels, picnic table cover, dog bed, hoses, rv filters out to the Camper and loaded them. 
Hubby locked his new RV keys in the RV after he installed the lock. He had to call the Locksmith Doc and give her info. They will come out in an hour?
I ordered new Huggie earrings on Etsy.

Hubby put together his new GRILLE in the garage. He had a LOT of help.


 Locksmith did not come. Hubby had to call them back AGAIN at 3PM. They finally agreed to come and then she whined about payment. Hubby said he could leave cash or give a credit card since we are good for it and they have done work for us IN THE PAST. OMG. These people.

The Jeep would not start after I had parked it out front of the driveway while Hubby was putting the Grille together in the A/C garage. Hubby had to put the charger on it. I had forgotten to lock it to "stop the brain computer from using every bit and shutting down the computer". 
Hubby tried to finish putting the Grille together and could not get the drain pan to fit. He was screaming and jamming it, when I looked at the directions and found that he had put the metal grate on the back instead of the front. He screamed at me. I screamed back at him to STOP. Finally, I showed him the picture of what he had done wrong. I walked in the house because he is GETTING SO STUPID.

We had the Jeep on the charger for about 30 minutes before we finally left for our Massage Appointment.

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