Tuesday, June 04, 2024



Awake at 5AM when Hubby took the dogs out for potty. Riley was having fun and barking all morning. 

Hubby fed the dogs breakfast. 

I got up at 6AM to dress and go out to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself. Put away clean dishes. 

I went outside and picked up dog poop. Then I heard the garbage truck going by at Prominence. I yelled at Hubby to get the garbage. I took the can outside and put it by the driveway.

Hubby got all the garbage inside the house and I took it outside. 

When I returned back inside, I had Hubby called Verizon Visa to adjust the "FRAUD ALERT" they had placed on the card. We used the card all throughout our trip to Pocatello to deliver the UTV to the customer, but at the very end of the trip, they FROZE the card thinking it was FRAUD. So Hubby had to call them and talk to a customer service agent, Ian. 

Then Hubby called Zurich Insurance to submit 2 claims for Customer repair. The guy was a spaz and kept talking too fast. He was upset with Hubby when a couple items were not given "in order" of what they needed to repair. Then I had to correct his math on one of the claims. 

Finally got all the info loaded onto invoices. Authorizations obtained. 
Hubby left at 8:45AM with the Dually & Camper. He took out the clean blanket, comforter, and towels.
I did bookwork. Cleaned up the humidifier and replaced the filter. I put away clean dishes. I put away clean clothes. I picked up the dog poo that Riley had done in the house by the sliding glass door. I put away everything on the counters for the cleaning people.
Cleaners came early; they were done by 12:25PM.

Reliance Connects guy came at 1:30PM. He installed wires outside. I went to check on him. 

Then he came inside and installed cable box in the front closet. Idiots from TDS installed it incorrectly.

I had to take all the clothes out of the front closet and vacuum it when the guy went outside. (was he even 20 years old?)

I changed all the wi-fi passwords on the computer and the TV. Still have to do the iPad. 
I did more bookwork and took payments thru Square from Zurich.
The Internet seems to be working much faster. 
Riley is still just a baby and naps a lot. She actually got up on the sofa and sprawled on her back. I petted her belly.

Hubby got home at 4PM after stopping to get groceries at Walmart. 

I tried ordering Dominos, but they did not have chicken on the website? Out of it in the store? So Hubby called when he got home. No discounts for calling online or pickup. We had to go pick up at other store by Smith's. We drove there in the FMF and left the dogs at home. 

I was really having a bad time of not having eaten all day, brain fog, Lupus pain. I could not figure anything out. It was really bad. 

We got the pizza, chicken, and crazy bread. Drove home. Ate. It made both of us sick.

Hubby sat outside on the patio in the heat with the dogs. He felt like vomiting. I finally went outside at 9PM and told him to come inside and go to bed.

We went to bed at 9:30PM.

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