Sunday, June 09, 2024


JUNE 8 2024
Up at 4AM with the dogs. Hubby sat on the back patio with the dogs until 5AM. Then he made them breakfast. I got up at 6AM. 

I got dressed. Made the bed. Went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea for myself. .

Hubby watched Automotive shows. He cleaned out cat litter. I vacuumed the floor. I put laundry in to wash. I cleaned the kitchen and put dishes in to wash.

At 6:45AM, Hubby left for the shop. The Electrician is coming to install LED lights into the shop. 

I did bookwork. 

Then I watched TV. I played with Riley extensive, throwing toys for her and she fetches them. 

I gave Riley her puzzle with treats. Tater got treats just for looking cute and sitting. 

Dogs went out for potty. Then inside again. It is hot outside. 

I watched TV. Mostly LA Law & Silent Witness. 

Hubby got home at 3:30PM. He made himself some lunch. 

Hubby was really hurting. He had painted the front shop room, he had put the new rug into the front shop room, he had worked on the steps for the camper. 
Hubby was all dirty. He had dirt on his legs and was covered in white spots of paint everywhere. 
Hubby took a shower and washed Tater. I dried Tater off and he sat by the shower until Hubby got out.

Tater is hurting really bad as he is limping. He played too hard yesterday at Doggy Day Care. We gave him some Gabapentin for his pain.

We went swimming at 5PM. I drove the Jeep. Some woman had to talk to us when we first got there, but she finally quite. Irl and Kathy came later. I got chilled and went to the hot tub. I sat in the hot tub in peace until THAT WOMAN followed me over and had to sit in the same hot tube (with a choice of two hot tubs?) and turned on the bubbles. I could only breathe bleach and got out after a few minutes. 

I told Hubby it was time to leave. Wind was really blowing and I was getting cold chills. We showered and then we left. 

I drove home in the Jeep. At home, we let the dogs out. Riley came back inside and pooped on the rug right by the sliding glass door. It was all runny. She stepped in it and by the time I came back inside from giving the dogs fresh water and filling it, the house stank and Riley had stepped in the poop and spread it all over the floor. 

Hubby cleaned up the poop on the rug while I washed and shampooed Riley outside. I towel dried her. Then Hubby put Tater outside and both of them ran around. Riley had Zoomies. 

I came back inside and cleaned up more on the rug. Used a whole bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide. Hubby washed our clothes and towels. 

We watched TV and went to bed at 9PM.

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