Saturday, June 15, 2024


JUNE 15 2024

Dogs were restless in the night. We had given Tater a couple Benadryl because he had been digging at his ears. He slept better, but kept pushing on my sore left leg in the night. I kept rolling in the pit near the window as the truck & camper were tilted. 

We got up at 6AM. Hubby took the dogs out for a long walk. I got dressed and made breakfast for the dogs. 
It was still 56F degrees. Cold. I wore my sweatshirt. Only took it off when we got into the truck.
Hubby could not get the generator started. So I made a cold breakfast for the puppies. No hot coffee or tea for us.
We cleaned up the campground and packed everything away.
Left there at 8AM. 
Drove thru Cedar City, Tater was whining, so we stopped at the City Park where Hubby had to go poopy potty (lots of people playing soccer there) walked the dogs, Tater got to go poop. He must have held it for the past 2 days. It was gross and jelly-like to pick up. 
Talked to a couple women that petted Tater and Riley. 
Finally got on the I-15 south to St George.
In St George, Hubby stopped at Beans & Brews to get iced lattes. It was already 80F degrees there.  

Hubby got a compliment on his truck from some guy that was going into the coffeehouse at the same time.
We drove back home and stopped in Mesquite to wash the truck at the car wash outside Walmart.
Drove home. Let the dogs out for potty.
Hubby unpacked and brought things inside. 
I cleaned up cat litter and started laundry.
I took a shower, washed & conditioned my hair. Then I washed Riley first. Hubby dried her off and put her outside. Then I washed Tater. Hubby dried him off and put him outside to dry.
I had to get my own towel as Hubby had used the two I put out. Hubby was sitting on the patio with the dogs listening to loud music.
I sat down with him after dressing in shorts. It was really hot outside. I read news. Neighbor next door stopped over the fence and talked to us. She is only here a few days.
I picked up dog poo.
We went inside the house. Watched a TV documentary about the Worlds Fair in Chicago 1893. I fell asleep on the sofa, then moved to the bedroom to take a nap. Had to put on the heating pad as all my joints hurt.

I got up at 5PM, made some tea for myself and Hubby said his joints were hurting, too. We realized we had Altitude Sickness symptoms. We were up at 10,800 feet at the camping area. 

Kept letting the dogs outside for potty.

Then we watched a documentary about The Johnstown Flood. 

Hubby made pasta. 

I went to get mail. Then I got the dirty clothes out of the camper. I put them in the washer. Washed Tater's camper blanket. 

I did bookwork and my blog. 

Hubby cleaned out Tater's ears with wipes. 
I took 2 Melatonin to help me sleep tonight.
I took a hot bath at 9:30PM. We watched Burn Notice re-runs for a while. 
I went to bed at 10PM, Hubby came to bed at 10:30PM.

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