Thursday, June 27, 2024


JUNE 27 2024
 Awake at 5AM with the dogs. Hubby took them out for potty. I went back to sleep until 6:30AM. 

I got up and dressed. Made the bed. 

Hubby was sitting on the sofa watching Automotive shows.

I had to put away clean dishes. I went into the laundry and the comforter washed from last night was still in the washer. I yelled at Hubby that he had not done anything for 2 hours and I did not have time to do the laundry.

I went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

I went outside to pick up do poo.

I went to the office to do bookwork. Had to get the end-of-the-month sales figured out for the City of Mesquite for our 6 month License fee and to continue with Licensing for the next 6 months.

I realized that we had added a personal vehicle sold into the company bookwork, so that had to be subtracted, then I realized that the Shipping/Freight was being added as Sales, so that skewed that amount. I cannot fix it retroactively (thanks a lot, Quickbooks) but I fixed it for the future. 

Then I had to figure out the Shipping/Freight amounts for the last 6 months and subtract that.

Then I had to pay Payroll. Then I had to transfer Rent.

Which leaves us with not a lot leftover in the Checking account. So I will have to pay bills out of the other checking account and transfer money.

Hubby finally got dressed, then he got cat litter cleaned. 

Hubby left at 8:30AM after I told him to go drop off the paperwork at the City Office.
I did more paperwork. Reserved a campground at Kaibab 

Jeep won't start. Hubby called and said he was bringing customer home so the shop could change his oil. He came home and hooked the Jeep up the charger again. 
On the way, we saw a huge fire in Mesquite down by the river (probably homeless encampment) from the road. Stopped to get pictures of it. Hubby drove the FMF and took me to Enliven to get my Diet Shot.
Then we went to Walmart to get groceries for our trip. It is dead at the shop, so not much to do, Hubby does not have to hurry back.
Lots of people at Walmart. Racers staying at the Casablanca for Races. Hubby had already sent Marcel out with the brochures for the shop to put on all the racers rigs at the Casablanca.
We got done shopping and went home. I let the dogs outside. I picked up dog poo. I re-filled the dog water bowl with fresh water.

I checked in the camper to make sure there were beverages in the pantry. We had Starbucks frappucinos, Arnie Palmer drinks for Hubby, Green Tea for me, and A&W pop. 

Hubby left to go pick up the customer again as the oil change was done. 
I went inside the house to turn the A/C down to 69F Degrees as I was sweating. Then I put away groceries. 

I started drying time for the comforter again.

I soaked my feet in tea tree oil salts hot water and then put foot masks on them. They felt better.

Hubby got home at 3PM on the dot. 

He made lunch for himself. He sat down to watch Automotive shows on TV.

I played with Riley for a long time, throwing her squeaky toy. Then we sat on the sofa and practiced "shaking/paw/high five" She got it right away. I need to get more small treats for her as she has eaten up all the ones I bought. I don't want her to get fat!

Then Hubby and I left for swimming at 4:55PM. We drove the FMF over and parked in the shade by the sales area. We checked in at the front desk. Some really RUDE older woman with a nasty voice was there and I told her about not receiving the Newsletter. She said that she could not do anything about it and I had to talk with management during the week. I asked her to leave a note for management. She threw some paper at me and I wrote down the information. DAMN, don't they TRAIN their employees anymore? WTF is she THERE FOR?

We signed up for both the inside and outside pools, but only went to the inside pool. 
We swam for a while. Then we dried off and drove home.
At home, we watched TV for a while. Then we went to bed at 10PM.



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