Sunday, June 30, 2024


JUNE 30 2024
 Up at 6AM. Had a horrible headache. Took Prednisone right away.

I made the bed and got dressed.

Went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea and Nanogreens for myself.

Hubby cleaned the cat litter.

Hubby watched Automotive shows all day.

We washed laundry and put away.

I cleaned the kitchen and started dishwasher.

I picked up dog poo outside.

I went out to get receipts & hair clip from truck, walked down to get the mail.

Cleaned Hubby's ear hair on the patio. 
Hubby made some pasta and put chicken soup & chicken in it. 

I did bookwork. In a panic, thinking I had not paid sales tax yet. I paid May's sales taxes and paid bills. 



Watched How It's Made for a while.

Left for our appointment at 3:45PM.


JUNE 29 2024






Friday, June 28, 2024


JUNE 28 2024
We will be camping at Kaibab Camper Village. I had originally reserved space #11, but Hubby called last night and got Space #18. We will have more room from others. 
I was up at 6AM when Tater & Riley started barking at a dog that was walking past our house and it was barking. 

Hubby had fed the dogs breakfast. He had put away clean laundry. 

I got up and made the bed. I went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, he said it hit his belly fast! Then I made a tea and Nanogreens for myself.

I threw a squeaky toy for Riley several times. She is learning SO FAST!

Hubby is out loading the camper. It is hot again already today. 86F degrees this morning.

I packed a bag and put my dirty clothes in the washer. 

We loaded Tater's dog bed in the back, the special one we ordered from Amazon. He can have the whole back seat to stretch out upon.

Hubby took the camper to the sewage dump at the Virgin Valley Food Mart gas station across from the Eureka so he could pump it out.

I washed the camp chairs with water on the side of the house and put them in the sun to dry.

I packed my bag in the house. I played fetch with Riley. I put away clean towels, I put more clothes in the dryer. I put away clean dishes. 

Hubby & Tater were back at 9:45AM. They had to fill the tires with air at Flying J. 

We left at 10AM.

Drove to St George, stopped at Beans and Brews to pick up iced lattes. Hubby parked. I stayed with the dogs in the Dually and he got the drinks.

We drove to Harbor Freight where Hubby picked up a dog stake for the ground and a couple 15' tie-outs

We drove to Hurricane to pick up Arby's for lunch. Fed the dogs. 

On to Hwy 389 and stopped in Fredonia to walk the dogs at the local High School



Stopped at the Jacob Lake Inn where Hubby went inside to potty, picked up some cookies. 

Then we drove to Kaibab Camper Village and Steve on a golf cart led us to our assigned spot. #18.

We parked (some drunk idiots across from us tried to "direct" Hubby in backing up

They were the assholes who left BOTH orange outside lights on their Lance camper all night long.

SPOT #18





Thursday, June 27, 2024


JUNE 27 2024
 Awake at 5AM with the dogs. Hubby took them out for potty. I went back to sleep until 6:30AM. 

I got up and dressed. Made the bed. 

Hubby was sitting on the sofa watching Automotive shows.

I had to put away clean dishes. I went into the laundry and the comforter washed from last night was still in the washer. I yelled at Hubby that he had not done anything for 2 hours and I did not have time to do the laundry.

I went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

I went outside to pick up do poo.

I went to the office to do bookwork. Had to get the end-of-the-month sales figured out for the City of Mesquite for our 6 month License fee and to continue with Licensing for the next 6 months.

I realized that we had added a personal vehicle sold into the company bookwork, so that had to be subtracted, then I realized that the Shipping/Freight was being added as Sales, so that skewed that amount. I cannot fix it retroactively (thanks a lot, Quickbooks) but I fixed it for the future. 

Then I had to figure out the Shipping/Freight amounts for the last 6 months and subtract that.

Then I had to pay Payroll. Then I had to transfer Rent.

Which leaves us with not a lot leftover in the Checking account. So I will have to pay bills out of the other checking account and transfer money.

Hubby finally got dressed, then he got cat litter cleaned. 

Hubby left at 8:30AM after I told him to go drop off the paperwork at the City Office.
I did more paperwork. Reserved a campground at Kaibab 

Jeep won't start. Hubby called and said he was bringing customer home so the shop could change his oil. He came home and hooked the Jeep up the charger again. 
On the way, we saw a huge fire in Mesquite down by the river (probably homeless encampment) from the road. Stopped to get pictures of it. Hubby drove the FMF and took me to Enliven to get my Diet Shot.
Then we went to Walmart to get groceries for our trip. It is dead at the shop, so not much to do, Hubby does not have to hurry back.
Lots of people at Walmart. Racers staying at the Casablanca for Races. Hubby had already sent Marcel out with the brochures for the shop to put on all the racers rigs at the Casablanca.
We got done shopping and went home. I let the dogs outside. I picked up dog poo. I re-filled the dog water bowl with fresh water.

I checked in the camper to make sure there were beverages in the pantry. We had Starbucks frappucinos, Arnie Palmer drinks for Hubby, Green Tea for me, and A&W pop. 

Hubby left to go pick up the customer again as the oil change was done. 
I went inside the house to turn the A/C down to 69F Degrees as I was sweating. Then I put away groceries. 

I started drying time for the comforter again.

I soaked my feet in tea tree oil salts hot water and then put foot masks on them. They felt better.

Hubby got home at 3PM on the dot. 

He made lunch for himself. He sat down to watch Automotive shows on TV.

I played with Riley for a long time, throwing her squeaky toy. Then we sat on the sofa and practiced "shaking/paw/high five" She got it right away. I need to get more small treats for her as she has eaten up all the ones I bought. I don't want her to get fat!

Then Hubby and I left for swimming at 4:55PM. We drove the FMF over and parked in the shade by the sales area. We checked in at the front desk. Some really RUDE older woman with a nasty voice was there and I told her about not receiving the Newsletter. She said that she could not do anything about it and I had to talk with management during the week. I asked her to leave a note for management. She threw some paper at me and I wrote down the information. DAMN, don't they TRAIN their employees anymore? WTF is she THERE FOR?

We signed up for both the inside and outside pools, but only went to the inside pool. 
We swam for a while. Then we dried off and drove home.
At home, we watched TV for a while. Then we went to bed at 10PM.



Wednesday, June 26, 2024


JUNE 26 2024 
Dogs were up at 3AM to go potty. Then we all went back to bed. 

I was up at 5AM when the alarm went off for my wake up on Google Home.

I dressed. Went to the kitchen to make a latte for Hubby, tea for me. 

I put out cheese & milk for cats. 

I sat until 5:30AM when Hubby & the dogs got up. I let the dogs out for potty. Then Hubby made breakfast eggs for them. I made the bed. I put dirty laundry in washer. 

I left at 5:55AM for my appointment at GS Nails.

At the nail place, Andy cut/filed my nails back WAY TOO FAR. I mentioned it to him, but he said he trimmed them. Then he FILED off the GEL polish and burnt my nail bed. I was kinda pissed about that because I thought he would soak the gel off in acetone. He put on the new color, which I just hate. Even though I picked it out, it looks like crap. It is turquoise. 

Then Andy took me over and painted my nails in the same yucky color. Gross. Andy massaged my feet for a while. 

I paid at 7AM and left. Some other woman had come in. 

I drove home. (forgot to take it over and wash it) Backed the Jeep into the garage. Came inside. Dogs were happy to see me. 

I helped Hubby clean up the kitchen. Make the bed. He broke down the kennel and put it in the garage.

Hubby left for the shop at 8:30AM.
I decided that I was done with getting nails done, especially with my nails being torn, ragged, infected all the time. I need to take everything off and start again just like my hair.
I cleaned everything off the counters so the Window Cleaners could clean.
Window Cleaners got here at 11:30AM. They cleaned until 

FED EX delivered a tire here before we left for swimming. Hubby put it in the garage. The smell of it stank up the garage.
Went swimming at 5:10PM. We drove the FMF to the Community Center. Had to park next to another car for the shade in the sales lot.

Instead of going outside (because of chance of children in the pool, rude people, and walkers -not the zombie type in the pool) we decided to try the inside pool because there WAS NO ONE IN THERE. I walked in down the ramp, but it was COLD. No heat at all. I went to dip in the hot tub, then got back inside the pool. It was much better. We started to do walking back and forth in the lanes. Another couple came in the pool wherein the husband would rudely snot/blow his nose in the water every time he was done with a lap SO FUCKING GROSS. I was going to vomit. They finally sat in the hot tub and left. Another couple men came in to do laps, but it was 6:10PM and I was done. We sat in the hot tub for a while then left. Walked thru the exercise room to see they had REALLY CRAMMED all the new exercise equipment into the room. Wow.

Drove home. 

Hubby watched Automotive shows for a while. We watched Brooklyn 99 for a while. 

When I was getting the bed ready for sleep, I noticed a big urine spot on the top. I think the cat did it, but Hubby thought the dog did it. It was near the top, but nothing else had urine stain on it. 

So Hubby put the comforter in the washer to start before we went to bed. However, he forgot to put it in the dryer before we went to bed.

At 9:30PM, Hubby was snoring on the sofa, so we got ready and went to bed. Hubby was in bed with the dogs before I was ready. I had to get ice water, get undressed, brush my teeth.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


JUNE 25 2024
Up at 6:30AM. Got dressed. Made the bed.

Went to kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

Hubby was making dog breakfast. Riley was getting her first big girl breakfast - eggs, potatoes. She has not been eating her canned food this week, so Hubby thought she needed to have food like Tater.

She ate it all up!

Hubby had his latte and got dressed. 

He sat on the sofa to watch Automotive shows.

I cleaned up the kitchen and put dishes in dishwasher. Then I started it. I went to do my hair in the bathroom.

I did bookwork. 

I put dirty clothes in washer and started it.

Hubby did cat litter. I vacuumed up everything.

I went outside with the dogs to pick up dog poo.

Then Hubby left at 8:30AM. He was back at 9AM when he rang the front doorbell. I answered it and he said he forgot his cell phone which was still plugged in to the wall by the coffee maker. 

He left again.

I put away clean clothes. I put away clean dishes. I ate egg bites that I had warmed up in the air-fryer.

I sat down to soak my feet in tea tree salts & hot water. Then I put on Kersal Intensive Repair Foot Mask and wore them. Dumped out the dirty foot soaking water. 

I brought in the boxes from Amazon that the USPS had delivered. Earring from Etsy that I had ordered, Briotech spray for my piercings. 

Hubby got home at 3:30PM after going back to get my bread at the shop.
We watched TV for a while. 
Joe H called and talked to Hubby for a while.
We went swimming at 5PM.
We got there at 5:10PM and checked into the front desk. At the pool, there was some little kid STILL SWIMMING. I immediately went inside and complained. The stupid front desk woman HAD HER SECURITY CAMERAS FROM THE POOL RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. But ignored it. I told her that it was the rules that kids leave the pool at 5PM. THIS IS NOT A FAMILY FACILITY. It is a retirement community. My HOA dues do NOT go towards this. 
She muttered that she was ALONE and had to find somebody. So I went back to swim. 
Finally, some maintenace bald fat guy came out and kept apologizing to the older couple saying the kid would need to leave "BECAUSE SOMEBODY COMPLAINED". No, fuckface. It is HOA regulations. The old people kept saying "WE DIDN'T KNOW THAT'. Yeah, you republican assholes. You deliberately don't read and familiarize yourself with HOA rules & regulations because YOU ARE SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES. God, I am so sick and tired of these idiots thinking nothing applies to them because WE CAN GET AWAY WITH IT. 
They left REALLY SLOWLY. Took them another 10 minutes. By now, it is almost 5:40PM.  

Then more people started coming to the pool. Some extremely large people decided that they were going to do laps around the outside of the pool, right where Hubby and I were hanging out with our pool noodles. The woman rudely pushed by us several times. We finally went over farther and then some other women had to come in the pool wearing a TON OF PERFUME. It made me want to vomit. How do these people do it? Do they soak in a pool of perfume?

We finally left at 6:10PM. 

Went home. We watched TV for a while-Brooklyn 99. 
Hubby had brought bread home and I made a cheese sandwich.

Hubby made the bed for me. I went to bed at 9:30PM.

Monday, June 24, 2024


JUNE 24 2024
Hubby was up with dogs at 5AM. They came back to bed and settled down. Slept until 6AM when they got out of bed again. Hubby made breakfast for dogs.
I got up and made the bed. I got dressed.
I went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.
Hubby watched Automotive shows.
I did bookwork. 
I put laundry in washer and started it. 
Riley was playing and unplugged the computer. I turned it back on and went outside to pick up dog poo, clean dog water tank, water plants.
I came back inside and did more bookwork. Hubby made turkey bacon for me. I put in egg bites in the air-fryer. 
Hubby left for the shop at 8:45AM.
I did more bookwork. Order platform sandals from Reef. Ordered more ear piercing after-care from Amazon. Booked an appointment online at Medusa's in St George. 
Put away clean clothes. Did dishes in dishwasher and put away clean dishes. 

Hubby got home at 4:30PM, too late for swimming at pool.

It was well over 110F degrees by now. 
Hubby sat and watched Automotive shows. 

Took picture of sunset at 7:55PM. 

Watched some TV; more re-runs of Burn Notice.
Hubby forgot to bring home my bread that he had found in the FMF; then put it in the fridge at the shop. It had fallen behind the seat after we got groceries on Sunday. 

I wanted to have a cheese sandwich, so had to put cheese & butter on a bun, instead. Too hot to drive to the store.

I went to bed at 9:30PM after taking Melatonin.



JUNE 23 2024 

Hubby was up with dogs at 5AM. They came back to bed and settled down. Slept until 6AM when they got out of bed again. Hubby made breakfast for dogs.
I got up and made the bed. I got dressed.
I went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.
Hubby watched Automotive shows.
I did bookwork. 
I put laundry in washer and started it. 

I wanted to have Krispy Kreme donuts from Flying J this morning, so we loaded the dogs and took them for a walk at the Sun City center. Riley really loved the new smells in the grass. But the watering started and we did not have time to play. As we were driving down Flat Top Mesa Way next to the Sales Center, we saw a flock of Geese walking in the road!
So we took them over to the Old Mill Park and walked them from tree shade to tree shade. 

We finally drove to Flying J (Hubby turned around at TSC because he was quite confused this morning and had no idea in his head more than 2 seconds) He had thought we were going to TSC, but they are closed until 9AM. I had to yell at him to drive to Flying J.

Hubby went inside to get donuts, he was inside for a LONG time. We were parked in the Handicapped parking on the corner, so I could see lots of people coming and going. Some weird guy living in his car was walking around, he got his black dog out of the car and talked to some old man that was walking by; some other couple parked and the guy had to have a cigarette before they left. 

Finally, Hubby came out with donuts in a bag (chocolate smears in bags) and some chicken, jo-jos, and biscuit from the deli. 

Stopped at Tractor Supply on the way home to get dog food & cat litter. Hubby parked us in the shade at the side of the building while he ran inside. I waited with the dogs.

We drove back home. Gave the dogs lots of water at home. 

We watched TV for the rest of the afternoon. Took dogs out to play in the back yard. Riley was not happy as it was very hot.


We left at 3PM for our Massage appointment at the Casa. LONG LINE again at the Valet for check-in. We finally realized that check-in is at 3PM and everybody comes at once.

Finally got inside after beating off the rude people. Walked to the Spa. Got our robes and slippers. Changed and soaked in the dirty pool. Had to clean it out again. 

Got great 80 minute couples massage from Rayven & Kim. Rayven showed us her pictures from Disney where her wife proposed to her again. It was cute. Then I got to see her new ring. It was beautiful.

We both had showers. Then we paid and left. Went to get hot dogs & ice cream at Cups/Scoops. 

Left there and drove to Walmart to pick up milk, tea, lemonade, potato chips and pop for the store.

Drove home. 

Let the dogs outside for potty.

Riley had pooped in our bedroom. Riley had gotten up on the kitchen counter somehow and eaten the chicken and biscuit that Hubby had left out from this morning. Riley had torn some cardboard and spread it everywhere, she had gotten into the cat litter and had it scattered everywhere. We had to clean all that up. 

Hubby was exhausted and put away groceries.

Then we watched a good movie called Hit Man with Glen Powell. 

I got the bed ready for sleep.

I went to bed at 9:30PM.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


JUNE 22 2024

I laid awake for hours last night. Must have finally fallen asleep, but woke up again. Restless. 

Up at 5AM with the dogs. Hubby stayed in bed for a few minutes. But he finally joined us after 15 minutes outside. It is really warm outside he said, not like yesterday.
Hubby made the bed. 

We sit outside with the dogs. Riley goes potty. Tater barks at people walking past with dogs.

I came inside to potty, made latte for Hubby. 

We sit on the patio for a while. 
Hubby made breakfast for the dogs. 
I picked up dog poo. 
I cleaned up the kitchen and put away clean dishes. Then I put dirty dishes in dishwasher.
I put a load of laundry from last night's swimming in the dryer Then I started a new load of washing.

Hubby left at 7AM. He took the FMF to the shop.

I had to clean cat litter and vacuum.

Then Spencer texted that they were taking an UBER from Dutch Bros. So I drove over there to pick them up because Hubby was busy putting the FMF in the shop, getting the UTV out, getting ready to ride.

I drove the Jeep and took Riley since she was screaming in the house when I left her in the kennel. 
Had to wait for two twat women walking across Flat Top Mesa crossing Falcon Ridge Parkway. I waited for a long time because they were going SLOW. A UTV across the street pulled out and almost hit them when he saw me waiting. 
Hubby had NOT re-set the oil change alert. He had fucked up my seat really bad. I had to keep adjusting it because it felt like I was falling out of it!

I picked up Spencer and John. When I arrived, I pretended that I was their UBER driver 'two for Uber?' I told Spencer that I had a surprise for him and shoved Riley in his arms! Then I drove them to the shop with small talk. 

Dropped them off at the shop. Spencer forgot his phone in the Jeep on the back seat floor. He kept holding Riley, so I think he was distracted.
I left and was driving home. I was turning into our street and Hubby called to ask me to meet them at the Sports Park as Spencer had forgotten his phone in the Jeep. 
I turned around and drove back. Waited for them to arrive. Handed Spencer his phone. Took a picture of them leaving.

I drove home.
At home, Hubby called me to ask me to take their picture as they were waving on the Mesa. My phone sucks and it will not zoom very well. I took a picture/video of blurs.

Cleaned up the house. Cleared the dining room table. Put wood into the garage. Put away all my hair-care that I had bought. Put away earring/jewelry for piercing I bought.
Washed the cat scoops. Put away clean dishes. Put more dishes in dishwasher. 
Vacuumed the whole house. 

Made a Nanogreen for myself.

Sat down to blog. Turned the A/C down low because I was sweating.

Watched TV.  It is now 9:18AM.

I am so tired from cleaning the house.

The guys were done with their ride by 10:30AM. Hubby put the UTV back into the shop and gave the guys some t-shirts & RMOR bling. 

They went to eat at Mad Mike's. Had pizza and philly cheese steaks. 


Friday, June 21, 2024


JUNE 21 2024

Hubby was snoring extensively and loudly last night, so at 1AM when I got up to potty, I went to sleep on the sofa. I turned the A/C down from 73 to 70 as it was too hot in the house.

I slept pretty well. Up again in the night to potty again. I drank lots of tea & water yesterday.

Then at 5AM, Hubby was up with the dogs. He turned on the TV and I went to sleep in the bedroom for a few minutes. But as I was wide awake now, I just got dressed. Made the bed. Washed the comforter. I had bled on the pillowcase, so had to remove that and clean the pillow with Hydrogen Peroxide. 

I also carried all the dirty clothes to the washer to start. 

I made Latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself. 

Hubby made breakfast for the dogs. He gave cheese & milk to the cats. 

We took the FMF to Wolf Creek for breakfast.

Immediately after parking, some idiot employee in a golf cart starts asking us questions, Have you Been here before? Are you here for Breakfast? The restaurant is in the next building.

We move the car closer to the other building in the handicapped parking spot. 

We enter the restaurant. Hubby pulls the right hand side door open for me. Some IDIOT OLD MAN is standing in the way, blocking my entrance. He is obviously drunk already at 7:30AM. Holding his food. He won't get out of the way. He is exiting via the left side for him? WTF? He makes a joke about giving us his food? I step behind Hubby out of the way and express my disgust at this idiot. He finally leaves the door, all the while Hubby is still holding open the door. Idiots friend walks behind him.

I should have punched his food out of his hand and told him to GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY. Why don't I? Am I too polite? WTF? 

So I am already upset going into the restaurant. We walk inside and THERE IS NOBODY IN THE RESTAURANT. I walk further in and see a woman and ask if they are open. She seats us at a far table. We have breakfast. It is OK. Not great. 

We leave the restaurant after paying and drive to Walmart because Hubby wants to wash the FMF.
Then we go inside Walmart to get water for the shop.
We drive home and let Riley out of her kennel. I let the dogs outside for potty. Riley pees right away.
I pick up dog poo. Lots of poo - 6 loads and some of it greasy and not solid.
Hubby comes inside and I give him an instagram RMOR sticker to put on the FMF.

I do bookwork. I put away clean clothes from dryer.
We watched TV all day.
Which is cuter?
We go swimming at 5PM to 6PM. See Dave, Carmen and Scott at pool. Dan & Dana briefly come, but Dana says not a word, as usual. Their friends come and they go to the other end of the pool. I get out to soak in the hot tub briefly. We leave at 6:15PM.
Come home and let dogs out. Riley is STILL not happy about being locked in the kennel by herself.
We let the dogs outside. I play with Riley for a long time outside throwing ball, playing fetch. She wears herself out.
Then we come back inside as it is starting to stink outside. 
Watched TV; re-runs of Lucifer on Netflix. Is there any NEW PROGRAMMING? 
Hubby made me a cheese sandwich.
We go to bed at 8:30PM. Both of us are exhausted.
I cannot sleep. Hubby wanted to chit-chat in bed. His snoring wakes me up. Tater would not sleep so that I could put my hand under his camper blanket. Riley sleeps on Hubby's head. 
I lay awake for hours.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


JUNE 20 2024
Hubby was up at 5AM for potty with the dogs. Then they came back to bed and settled down. Had to reprimand Riley a couple times to get her to sleep and not bother everybody.
Then Hubby got up at 6AM to feed breakfast to the dogs. I slept until 6:30AM. 
I got up and dressed. Made the bed.
Conditioned my hair by rinsing it out in the front bathroom tub and putting conditioner on it. I made Hubby try my heat/steam head mask. He thought it was OK.
I made Latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.
Hubby cleaned cat litter. 
I did bookwork and paid Payroll.
Hubby is going to take the Jeep today up to St George to change the oil at the Dealership, which I think is a bad idea because every time we go to a Dealership, SOMETHING GOES WRONG. 
I will drive the FMF today.
At 8:30AM, Hubby left for the shop. 
I did little more work around the house, unplugged things so Riley would not chew on them. Locked doors. I left at 9AM. Drove to Enliven. Got shot from Anna. Rodney was there and surprised me. I talked to him for a while.
Then I stopped at GS Nails and gave Andy some money to pay for my nails.
I drove to Ink by Britt and waited in the FMF A/C until it was 10AM. I walked in and got 3 more piercings. 2 in the Right Ear going up the Inner Lobe and 1 in the Left Earlobe. 

Took a picture of Ally and McKennah and told Ally she looked like Chris, the mechanic.

I paid and left. Drove home.

At home, Riley had gotten up on the table, knocked down all my shampoos and conditioners, eaten some cardboard and my bag for the steam heat mask. 

I had to clean all that up. Let the dogs outside for potty. Vacuum.
I put clothes in dryer and started it.
I made sausage and egg bites. I was hungry, starving. I sat down to watch TV, but ROKU had to be booted up again.
I conditioned my hair again and then sat outside to dry it. Some old biddy across the street WAS TALKING LOUDLY. So loudly that she drowned out all the cars & heavy equipment going by on the street. So I turned on the Google Home stereo and played music loudly.
Hubby called and said he was driving to St George with the Jeep and wanted to know if I would come with him. I told him that I could not leave the dogs alone that long as Riley had chewed everything.
My computer had shut down and had to be booted up again. 

Hubby returned back to Mesquite at 5PM  after getting the oil changed. 

I had to take a nap because I was so tired. Then I got up at 6PM and took a hot bath because I was in so much pain. Took a couple Prednisone to help.

After the bath, I got dressed. Waited until 7:30PM and took the dogs down to the Grassy Area for exercise. Several golf carts when past us. 

We drove back home and let the dogs out back for potty. 

Watched more Dexter re-runs on TV.

Went to bed at 10PM.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


JUNE 19 2024
Almost the end of the month! Summer is going by fast! The weather broke yesterday & today. NOT going to be 100F degrees today. 

Hubby was up with the dogs at 5AM for potty, then back to bed. Slept until 6AM. I was up at 6:30PM.

Hubby fed the dogs. He gave cheese & milk to the cats. 

Hubby helped make the bed.

I got dressed and went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

Riley played fetch. Tater barked at passersby outside. He knocked over his bench outside.

Hubby had warmed up turkey bacon in the air-fryer for me. Hubby helped me fold the king size sheets.

Hubby sat down to watch Automotive shows. I did bookwork and checked email.


Hubby cleaned the cat litter and took out garbage. 
Hubby & Tater left at 8:30AM for the shop. I told Hubby to give him fresh water today!
I vacuumed cat litter. I put away clean clothes. 

I did bookwork and paid credit card bills.

Riley and I sat outside. I threw her toys for a game of Fetch. 

Hubby called and wanted UPS info on KWI shipment.

I took a nap for an hour but felt really awful.

At 1PM, I gave Riley some cheese for treats. I made more tea.

I soaked my feet in tea tree salts hot water. Then I put skin soften lotion bags over my feet.

Tater & Hubby got home at 3:15PM.

Hubby watched TV for a while.

I did bookwork.

Hubby drove the FMF and we went to the Sun City Community center to swim. We were the only people there after some others left. The water in the pool was too cold at first, so I went to the hot tub to warm up. Then I joined Hubby in the pool. We swam until 6:15PM. Drove home.

Hubby made me cheese tortellini for dinner.

We watched Black Mirror on Netflix.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


JUNE 18 2024

Up at 5AM with the dogs. Hubby took them out for potty. I stayed in bed and slept until 6:30AM. 

I got up and dressed. Took the sheets off the bed to wash. 
I started putting away everything on our dressers & counters. Put away everything in the bathroom.
I gave the dog bowl & the cat bowl to Hubby for re-filling with clean water as he was in the kitchen.
Hubby then helped me make the bed with clean sheets. Riley came in to the bedroom to run after Sage, the black cat, and then she stayed to play with us while we made the bed.

Hubby went out to continue cooking eggs for the dogs. He fed the dogs. 

I opened the curtains in the front bedroom and saw that our garbage can was the ONLY ONE IN THE WHOLE STREET that had blown over in the wind last night! There was garbage strewn everywhere and I went out there to pick it up and pick up the garbage.

I came back inside and rinsed my hair in the tub in the front bathroom. I then went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

I did bookwork briefly and got Hubby an Amazon APP on his phone so he can do his returns online.

Then I went outside and picked up dog poo.

I started working on the Segway application. Need additional photos of Showroom & Mechanic area.

It is only 70 degrees outside today. Only supposed to get to a high of 92 degrees? Wow. Just like Spring!

Hubby left at 8:40AM. He took stuff with him to put in the camper.

I vacuumed the cat litter and the front patio where the wind had blown in all the plant debris. I dumped the filter and washed it out. Put it out back to dry.

I did bookwork until 10AM. I put away things for the Cleaners. Picked up all Riley's toys in bags and put them on the patio.

I called Ink by Britt and talked to Ally. Told her that my screw in ball had come off and I needed to have a new one put in; she said to come down. I loaded Riley in the Jeep and we drove down there. I left Riley in the Jeep with the windows down, parked RIGHT IN FRONT while I went inside and got Ally to put in another ball. She was really nice about it. I just cannot get over how much like Chris (our old mechanic) she looks like and sounds like! I need to take a picture of her and show her to the guys.

I drove to the shop and had Hubby hold Riley while I filled Tater's water bowl, took pictures of the front showroom with the Labor price sign in the room. Hubby started arguing with me that he had already taken pictures. I told him that he had not taken a picture of the Labor Price sign since he HAD LOST IT ON THE WAY TO THE SHOP!
I texted Hubby's pictures on his phone to my phone. Then a customer came. I took Riley and we left. 
At home, I let Riley out for potty. I did more bookwork and put away more things.

The Cleaners arrived at 11:45AM. They cleaned while Riley & I were on the back patio. She had treats in a puzzle and then we worked on the command "DOWN". She did pretty good. I had made tea, nanogreens, a cheese sandwich, and taken my turkey bacon for lunch as we sat out back. It was not very hot at all. I had the overhead fan running outside on the patio.

We came inside at 1PM and I put everything away. I was really tired. 

I watched TV. 

Went down to get the mail at 3:30PM. Saw Dave, neighbor, at Joe's house (neighbor from Idaho) said that his water sprinkler system had broken so he was cleaning it up. I joked with him that he had Alzheimers and did not know what house he was living at, or wife-swapping. Neighbor next door laughed.

So Dave walked me all the way back home, talking to me. 

From USPS, I got more earrings from Body Candy.

I ordered more embroidery boxes from Amazon for the earrings.

From UPS, I got conditioning products that I ordered from Miss Jessie. But a lot of them stink and I will not use them. So I boxed them up again to donate.

I called Hubby, he is on his way home after stopping at Pat's

Hubby & Tater got home at 4:30PM. 

I did bookwork until 5:30. Updated Facebook with pictures for business.

Hubby made food on the clean cooktop. I gave Tater some cheese tax. 

There was too much wind to go swimming, and it was too cold so the pool would not be warm enough. We decided to stay home and watch TV. 

I played with Riley throwing her toys down the hallway. 
We rented the movie Mr. Right 2015 with Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick on Amazon. Very good movie. 
We went outside for a while at 9:30PM and had to come inside at 10:45PM as it was starting to smell like SHIT from golf course watering.
Hubby went to bed. I was not tired, so I stayed up and watched TV. Took 2 Melatonin. 
I had to put away clean clothes, start the dishwasher, fill the dog & cat bowls with fresh water & ice cubes.  

Riley and I finally went to bed at Midnight.