Wednesday, March 01, 2023



I took 3 Benadryl last night to get some sleep. And a couple tokes of Nyquil from the bottle.

Up at 6:30AM when Hubby was making noise. He let the dogs outside and fed them breakfast eggs. 

I got up and made lattes. 

Transferred $ from Quickbooks to Bank.
Hubby left early as he was going to meet Joe & Tom at Golden West for breakfast. He forgot that the UTV Club was meeting there, too. But they all really enjoyed meeting Joe & Tom. Joe is very likable. Todd actually liked meeting somebody "his size" LOL.


It was dark and depressing today. Rained. Rained. Rained. 

I did bookwork for a while.

Then I watched TV - Silent Witness on Britbox.

I chatted with Verizon on their website to resolve the ex-son-in-law's email popping up on our website-sign on. But they could not resolve this. I told them that there was nobody on the account like this for 9 YEARS! What the F... is going on????

I left at 2PM to go get my IV Infusion. The usual girls were not there. I had to wait for 30 minutes before they started my IV. I had the diet IV and the Plaq-X IV. Finally, Hubby got there at 3PM. It was totally full today. I covered up with a blanket and then started coughing. They had to get me water. Doc Rod says we sound like we have Valley Fever. No doubt. It just keeps lingering.

We left at 4:30PM. Hubby did not have to pay because Doc Rod said it was free? What The What?

We drove home. It was SO cold outside. 

We had peanut butter sandwiches with chili. 

We need to buy more chili.

I spilled chili on me when the spoon went flying. I had to change my shirt and clean up.
Hubby made the bed for me with the comforter and got me fresh water with ice.
I went to bed at 9PM. SO TIRED!!!!

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