Monday, March 27, 2023



Awake at 5AM. I went to sleep on the sofa. Hubby kept talking while he got up to potty. I told him I needed to sleep. Slept on sofa until 6AM and then moved back to the bed until 7AM. 
Up at 7AM to make latte for hubby. I had a hot tea. 

Hubby made breakfast eggs for dogs. I cleaned up kitchen and started dishwasher. 

Hubby made the bed. I transferred $ from Quickbooks to Bank. Did an invoice for Mark J.

Hubby and Tater left early so they can go to dog park. I had Hubby do cat litter before he left.

Then I started working on bookwork.

I scanned invoices and worked on clearing the inbox for the company email. 

At 10M, the new house cleaner came by to look at the house. She will text me tonight about a date & time to start cleaning.

I got all paperwork scanned by 3PM.

I put away clean laundry. I put away clean dishes. I picked up dog poo. Wilson slept in the warm sun on his dog bed with the sun on his belly.

I looked up our account on Spotify because weird songs had been added and I wanted to find my Listening History. I discovered that 4 other people had hacked my Spotify account. So I booted them off my Spotify account and changed my email/password. Fucking thieving assholes.

Hubby and Tater stopped at the UPS store before coming home. Hubby had a return for Amazon.

At 4PM, we left the dogs at home and went to Walmart with the Jeep. I drove. Stopped to get the mail at the box. We deposited the Dually truck checks into America First CU. Then we went grocery shopping.

Ran into Ralph from the Tire Store at Walmart as we were checking out.

Loaded groceries into Jeep and drove home.

At home, after unloading groceries, Hubby made pasta with Alfredo sauce. I took the garbage can outside to the curb. We also put more garbage into it from inside the house.

Hubby was cold all night long. Not really too cold outside, but it felt chilling.

We watched TV. 

Went to bed at 10PM after I took a bath.

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