Tuesday, May 28, 2024


MAY 28 2024

Up at 5:30AM. Riley had been on the bed and Hubby came to get her, he shut the bedroom door.

I dressed and went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea & Nanogreens for myself.

Hubby made breakfast for the dogs & fed them. He put out milk & cheese for cats.

I found more receipts in the FMF glovebox. I brought in Riley's red leash.

I went to do bookwork and found that Sage cat had LOCKED my keyboard. I had to figure out how to unlock it. 

I helped Hubby make the bed. I put dirty clothes in washer. I put dirty dishes in dishwasher. Had to turn on the kitchen fan because Hubby's breakfast fixings really stank up the house today.

We measured Riley. She is 16" tall. OMG. Quit Growing Riley!

I did some bookwork. Hubby cleaned cat litter. I vacuumed. 

Hubby loaded all his Amazon returns in the FMF. 

I went over to Betty's to clean up cat litter, feed, water cats. I had to vacuum up some spilled cat food.

Then I brought home some tiny tomatoes she had left on her counter and offered to us.

I cleaned out my ears and put on new studs for my earrings. 
Hubby had me print out Rodney's invoices to give him today when I stop at Enliven.
Hubby left at 8:45AM.
I stayed home today instead of going to get my Diet Shot. (later I found out that Enliven was closed today, anyway).
I watched TV. Put away clothes. Put away clean dishes. 

Put dogs out for potty. Played with dogs.

Hubby got home at 3PM. He was tired. He watched Automotive shows on TV until late. 

We took the dogs for grassy play area.


Watched TV. Went to bed at 10PM.

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