Sunday, May 19, 2024


MAY 19 2024
Hubby was up at 4:30AM with the dogs. Riley got up and was restless. He took them out on the patio for quite a while. I tried to go back to sleep, but had to go potty. 
The light in the bathroom that had a motion sensor that we got from Amazon yesterday works really well. Very dim, yet lets you see the room.
I went potty, and back to bed.
Hubby got back in bed with the dogs. Riley was restless and would not go back to sleep, so he put her in the kennel. 
I slept until 7AM. I got up and wen potty. Then got dressed. Put Riley out for potty from her kennel. Tater stayed in bed.
I went out in the kitchen and made latte for Hubby, tea and Nanogreens for myself.

Then I made breakfast for Riley, microwave heated canned puppy food with some fresh chicken that Hubby had grilled yesterday.

I fed Riley. Tater got up. I started Tater's breakfast. Fresh scrambled eggs with turkey bacon, fresh grilled chicken, leftover french fries and potatoe wedges. I fed him while I put Riley back in her kennel to give him privacy. He got all of it. The whole pan. I gave Riley the leftovers. 

Then I cleaned everything up. I went into the bedroom and took the comforter off the bed and took it to start washing. 

I went outside and cleaned up all the poop. I am dizzy again. 

I cleaned up the kitchen and put away clean dishes. I made a bagel for myself. 

Hubby was restless and finally up by 8:30AM. I warmed up his latte.

I vacuumed the house. Hubby cut his hair and beard. I had to vacuum that up. 
Hubby took a shower and cleaned Tater, too. I dried Tater off and let him outside.
KRL and Spencer told us about an APP from Cornell Lab of Ornithology called Merlin Bird App. I downloaded it on my phone. It detects bird calls and logs them regionally. So far, I have logged:
    Lesser Goldfinch 
    House Finch
    Say's Phoebe
    Northern Mockingbird
    House Finch
    Gabriel's Quail
It is very exciting to see the birds pictured that we listen to all the time.
Hubby put his dirty clothes and towels into the washer and started it again. 

He started to make an egg mcmuffin for himself.

Hubby sat down to watch Automotive shows on TV.

I posted on my Blog. All the pictures from our trip. 
Hubby put garlic bread in the oven to bake at 1PM.

We took the dogs for a golf cart ride to the grassy area. The Golf Cart would not start. Hubby will have to get it fixed again.

We took the dogs inside again. Riley was sad. She slept by the kitchen counter. 

I changed clothes and put on my bathing suit. We left at 2PM for our massage appointment. Drove the FMF to Casablanca Spa. Checked thru the Valet for the car. Went to the Spa. Checked in. Not the regular people at check in. We went to the hot pool. It was REALLY hot. Then we changed to the cold pool. We saw Kim walking by and I did not recognize her. I asked her what time it was and she recognized me. We got out and followed them to the room. Got our 80 minute massage. Took showers afterwards. Both of us were very shaky and my dizzy came back. Hubby had to steady me. We paid and left tips. 

Walked upstairs to Casablanca Casino and got hot dogs. 

Got our car at the Valet. 

Drove to Tractor Supply. Picked up snacks and cat food.

Drove home. Let the dogs out for potty. Washed our swim clothes. 

Hubby sat down to watch Automotive shows.

I applied for the Verizon Visa card. We got accepted. Initial $10,000 Credit Line. I changed the payment on Verizon to Auto Pay for better discounts.
Watched Burn Notice re-runs for a while. 
I could not sleep tonight. Hubby went to bed at 10PM. I stayed up with Riley until 1AM when we finally went to bed. I laid in bed all night and could not sleep.

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