Tuesday, May 21, 2024


MAY 21 2024
I was up early. Dogs were restless at 5AM. Hubby took them outside for potty. I went potty and went back to bed.
I was up at 6:30AM. I made the bed. Got dressed.
Went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, Nanogreens for myself. I am sick of tea. Will quit drinking it for a while.
Hubby changed cat litter. I vacuumed front entry way from the sand deposited there in last night's microburst wind.  

Hubby took the vacuum out on the back patio so I can vacuum there when I get back.

We took the dogs in the FMF to drop Riley off at the Vet for her Spay. I took her inside. 19 pounds!

I asked the office woman (the older one that argues with everybody constantly. has a rotten, mean attitude all the time) to ask the doctor to X-ray Riley's stomach to make sure she has nothing in her from eating rocks, weeds, plant material. She argued with me that she displayed no signs/symptoms. I told her to do it anyway. What a biatch to argue with me! Just fucking do what I told you to do. It is up to the Doctor to call me if she has questions.
Also told her to Microchip, toenails clipped, cut out baby teeth in addition to the SPAY. 
We drove to the Cimmaron building to check if there was a For Rent sign, but there was nothing there. Hubby wants to rent it. Then we drove to Wendy's for breakfast sandwiches and iced coffee for me. I wanted COLD CREAM in it, but obviously there is no way to put Cold Cream in it without flavoring. WTF?

Hubby drove back home and fed Tater, then they left at 8:40AM driving to the Shop for the day. It is not supposed to be very hot today, only 85 degrees.

The Vet's office called me at 9AM to make sure that I wanted microchipping. I told them YES! How many times do I have to say it???

I finished putting things away at home. Dog toys, things on cabinets. 

Cleaners came early at 11:15AM. They were done by 12:20PM. 

I put everything away again.

I sat watching TV. Then at 2PM, I had to call the Vets office because they had not called me.They said that Riley was ready to come home.

I drove the Jeep to the Vet's office and waited for 10 minutes while the staff (Bailey) was on the phone giving advice (even going in the backroom to talk with the vets). Some old Karen boomer bitch was trying to buy dog food, mumbling and STANKY yuck. She got really close to me and I had to step away. Finally got the receptionist to wait on me and she was doing paperwork (it had to be printed in the back as their printer was not working) and some old man stepped up when the other receptionist came from the back. Old STANKY Karen boomer bitch stepped up and said SHE was next in line but had the receptionist explain that the older man was there first. Old STANKY started talking louder and I was not able to hear the girl that was waiting on me. I was just about ready to SCREAM at OLD STANKY, but I have been raised to be polite. These people don't understand Politeness, Manners, Couth. WTF?

So I finally paid and they brought out Riley. I HAD TO MOVE MY BODY TO BLOCK OLD STANKY FROM TRYING TO PET HER DIRECTLY AFTER SURGERY! Fucking bitch. Why don't we put a bullet in their brains. They are just rotting zombies. I wish my daughter had been there because she would have told OLD STANKY where to go!

I loaded Riley into the Jeep on a pillow covered with a towel. She rode home almost falling asleep.

At home, I unloaded Riley and carried her to the sofa and sat next to her for the rest of the afternoon.

Later, she went out to pee and did a tiny little poopy. She had some food right after she came home and then vomited later; which was mostly bile. I had to clean that up.

Then we sat on the sofa. I watched her really well to make sure she was not bothering her stitches.

Hubby & Tater came home at 4:30PM. Riley was really excited to see Tater. They went outside for potty.

Hubby made dinner for himself. He sat down to watch Automotive shows on TV.
I did bookwork.
We watched Burn Notice re-runs and went to bed at 10PM

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