Thursday, May 30, 2024


MAY 30 2024

Hubby had gotten out of bed with the dogs at 2AM. Riley had gotten up and wanted out. She pooped and pee outside. Then back to bed. 

I was half asleep when they came back to bed. Hubby told me they went out. 

I got up at 5:30AM and dressed.

Went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.
Hubby cleaned cat litter. 

We watched videos on YouTube about the tornadoes from IA & NE last week.

I ran over to Betty's to give cats food, water, clean litter. They had destroyed their water & food, so had to vacuum. 

Then I came back home. Vacuumed up our cat litter. Picked up dog poo. 

Hubby left at 8:30AM for the shop. 

I put away clean laundry.

I did bookwork. I put fresh water in cat filter. 

Reliance Connects came to run cable at 10:30AM. Our neighbor texted Hubby to let him know they were there. I already had answered the door with the screen open to them. Hubby called to let me know they were there. OMG. WTF?

I ordered new earrings for piercings.

I did more bookwork until 11:47AM. 

I let the dogs outside and picked up more poo.
I ran over to Betty's to pick up a couple packages for her and put them in the garage.

The dogs and I took a nap from 2PM to 3PM. Then I put the dogs outside again. Riley peed on her lamb and I had to wash it off.

Hubby got home at 4:45PM. 

We took the dogs down to the grassy area to run around. 


Came back home and packed bags for trip tomorrow. 

Watched TV and went to bed at 10PM.

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