Monday, May 27, 2024


MAY 27 2024

Hubby could not sleep all night. At 4AM, he stepped on a squeaky toy and Riley immediately woke up. Hubby took the dogs out for potty and sat with them on the patio.

I got up at 6AM and dressed. In the kitchen I went to make latte for Hubby and tea/Nanogreens for myself. I warmed up leftover turkey bacon. 

Hubby made breakfast for the dogs & fed them. 

We packed up the dogs into the FMF, forgot to stop at Dana's to drop off the kennel. 

We drove to St George and stopped to get Iced Lattes at Beans & Brews.

We drove to Cedar City. Stopped at an off-ramp and pottied Tater because he was getting whiney.

At Cedar City, we got Arby's burgers for the dogs and then drove to the grassy park. Nothing to sit on, we put out the towel and sat on it. Need to remember to bring a big blanket in the car. 

We ate and then walked the dogs in the grass. Riley loved rolling around. 

Then we packed up the dogs into the FMF again and drove to the mountains. Hubby turned off on a road to go up to Kolob Reservoir, thinking we could walk around it. There was no cell phone service, so I could not check on our progress up the mountain. But it was MILES AND MILES away. We stopped at a trailhead viewpoint called "C" Overlook and Trailhead. But we saw no "C" on any of the mountains! 

I finally had some cell phone service and found that we were miles away from anything. We decided to drive back to the main road as the Kolob Reservoir was still 1 hour away on the road.
At the main road, we drove towards Brian Head and decided to stop at the intersection of Hwy 14 and 148. We walked out into the grassy area, but it was muddy and then the dogs got into the creek. Riley jumped in with no fear and sank all the way under. She got out and shook it off. 
We got back to the car, but both of us were hurting. The elevation was over 9000 feet. We could really feel it. Hubby was hurting from no sleep. His right shoulder was hurting badly.

I changed shoes, dried off Riley, gave the dogs water, and got into the car. I was exhausted. 
Hubby had to eat something as he was going hypoglycemic. Hands shaking. We sat there for a few minutes. 

Drove back to Cedar City behind a slow motorcycle and a even slower car (going 25-30mph). 

In Cedar City, we stopped at the Maverik to get fuel (LOTS OF STUPID PEOPLE THERE), and Hubby went inside to get candy bars for me as I was getting hypoglycemic. 

We drove back home. 

At home, we both had no energy. Hubby unloaded the car. I let the dogs outside for potty again. Dogs were tired, too. 

Hubby decided to take a shower right away and washed Tater. Also had to put white antibiotic cream on Tater's ears as they were bright red. 

Then Hubby and I washed Riley in the sink. She dried off outside in the warm air.

We watched TV for a while.

At 8PM, I took a hot bath and some Prednisone and 3 Tylenol. I gave Hubby some Prednisone because he was hurting so badly.

We went to bed at 9PM.

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