Thursday, May 16, 2024


MAY 16 2024 

Riley & Tater were up at 4:30AM. Hubby took them out for potty. He made breakfast for them at 6AM. 

I got up for potty at 4:30AM and went back to sleep until 6:45AM. 

I got up and dressed. Hubby helped make the bed. 

I went to the kitchen to make latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

Hubby had made me turkey bacon in the air fryer.

I did bookwork. 

Hubby watched Automotive shows.

Hubby cleaned SOME of the cat litter. 

Hubby & Tater left at 8:30AM for the shop.

I cleaned up the REST of the cat litter, cleaned the box out front at the hose. Vacuumed. 

I put away bathroom things because the Window Cleaners are coming today. 

I was sweating and had to turn on the A/C.

I did more bookwork at 9:30AM until 11AM.

I refilled the water in the dog bowl on the back patio. Took Riley out for potty.
Yogi Window Cleaning came early. They got done cleaning and I paid. 

I did more bookwork. Got done with bookwork at 1PM. Hubby called to say Casey had cut his finger and went to ER. 
Fed Ex & UPS & USPS dropped off packages. Mostly Amazon stuff that I had ordered for the Camper. Some shoes that I had ordered.

Some strange young guy stuck a card in the doorbell. I had to get it out, Riley zipped out the front door. I ran out to get her and fortunately, she came back!

I put away clean clothes. I put away clean dishes. 

I put back all the stuff that I had put away for the Window Cleaners so they would not break things.

Hubby & Tater got home at 5PM. Riley was excited to see Tater. 
Hubby watched TV while I did bookwork. I got done with bookwork at 6:49PM.
I was not feeling very well. 
We sat on the patio for a few minutes. Riley had the Zoomies.
We watched TV for a while. I went to bed at 9PM.

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