Monday, May 20, 2024


MAY 20 2024
Riley and I went to bed at midnight after I took her out for potty.
I was wide awake all night. Could not sleep. First freezingly cold and turned on heating pad. Then feverishly hot and threw off blankets. My mind was just totally active all night.
Finally must have fallen asleep because at 5:30AM, the dogs were awake and Hubby was taking them out for potty.
I got up to have diarrhea. Then got dressed. Made the bed. 
I let Riley inside after opening the front door. Hubby came inside with Tater. 
I went to the kitchen to make a latte for Hubby, tea/Nanogreens for myself.

I warmed up Riley's breakfast.

Hubby made breakfast for the dogs & fed them. 

We researched Camper steps online and ordered some from Amazon after watching a video of a guy online making custom ones from a Little Giant Safety Step Ladder.

Hubby put dirty clothes in washer. I cleaned the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher, then started it.

Hubby sat down on the sofa to watch Adventures of Brisco County Jr. That was a good show. Too bad it did not last longer than 1 season.

We both left and Hubby drove to the shop in the FMF. He rolled his window down so we could wave at each other. At Walmart, I turned and went to wash the Jeep. He continued straight to the shop.

I washed the Jeep, then drove to Enliven for my diet shot. I stopped to talk with Rodney outside the office. Asked about his kids and if they had any plans for the summer. He said that Theresa & he were going Peru this summer. Kids had lots of sports planned.

I went inside the office and waited. Kelli was there and said they were closed Memorial Day. Kelli said she was flying back east to get her grandkids for the summer next week. I wished her a Happy Memoria Day and got my shot.

I drove back home. Let the dogs out for potty. 

I warmed up some Walmart quiche. It did not taste good.

I took a nap on the sofa from 11AM to 1PM. 

I woke up and took the dogs outside. Gave Riley some ice in a bowl. Gave her treats in her puzzle.

I did bookwork. I turned on the A/C lower.
I left for my nail appointment at 2:30PM. Got my nails done with Andy at GS NAILS. I had him cut almond shape along with PAINTING THEM to match my toenail colors. Andy was shocked as I never change my regular pink/white square nails!


Hubby got home at 3:30PM. I had called in an order for pizza, new Crazy Puffs with sauce, wings, and brownie bites.

The dough was DRY. Yuck. Not ever ordering from there again. Barely any sauce on pizza and very little cheese on the Hawaiian pizza. 

We watched TV. Played with the dogs. 

BIG MICROBURST of wind. I brought the seat cushions inside. 

Hubby fell asleep on the sofa. 

We watched re-runs of Burn Notice.

Went to bed at 10PM.

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