Tuesday, May 23, 2023



Up at 6:30AM. I yelled out from the bedroom to remind Hubby to put out the garbage can. I got up and dressed. 
Made latte for Hubby. Nanogreens for me. My tummy is upset again.
Hubby was watching Gunsmoke this morning on TV.
Hubby took Rattler outside to walk around.
Garbage men came at 7:19AM. 
I transferred $ from Quickbooks to Bank.
Put Tater's collar on him and I had to drive Hubby to the shop. Hubby put Tater in the back of the Jeep with a sleeping bag to cover the seat.
We drove to the gas station first to put fuel in Jeep, then to the shop but Hubby did not have keys. We talked to a kid in the parking lot that has a white Jeep that wants fenders, he works at Blvd Home Furniture and will return at 9AM. 

We drove around to wait until Chris came back from the dump to open the shop. 

I dropped Hubby and Tater off at 9:05AM.

I drove home.

I gave Wilson and the cat some chicken I cut up. Then Wilson went outside for potty.

I did bookwork.
I put dirty laundry in washer and started it. Then I put clean laundry in dryer. I put away dishes from dishwasher.
I cleaned up cat litter because Hubby forgot. Then I picked up dog poo outside.
Wilson slept inside on the recliner. 

Cleaners came at Noon. I gave her one of my pink pumpkins. Wilson and I left the house.

I dropped off mail at the box. We drove to Chicago Greek Restaurant and picked up lunch for the guys at the shop. Chris asked me to pick up for Byron, too. 

We walked around the restaurant while waiting for the lunch. Then we drove to the shop. Wilson was super excited to see Tater. I leashed them up together. Got fresh water for Tater. They both drank lots of water. I gave them one of the extra meat Gyros. I left at 1:30PM when I got a text that they were done cleaning.

Hubby had me take Tater home in the Jeep. We drove home. I wax exhausted and sweaty.

I put away all the laundry. I put away dishes. I put all the stuff back from cleaning. 

Hubby and Chris K got here at 3:30PM.Chris wanted a paycheck to show his bank, so I printed one out. He took it to America First to get his loan on his new truck.

Then Chris came back. He and Hubby took out the old TV. Put in the new TV. I gave Chris some $ for stopping and helping. He left at 4:15PM.
I signed up the new TV to all the channels. Hubby made some food and sat down to watch his shows on Motortrend TV.
I did bookwork.  I got done with bookwork at 7:30PM. 

I set up my Nintendo Switch.
I hurt really bad, so had to take a bath. Then I sat on the sofa for 1 hour. Had to take another bath because I hurt so much. 
Hubby was watching Motortrend and I went to bed at 9:30PM. 
Hubby said he came to bed at 11PM.


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