Monday, May 29, 2023



Tater was kicking in the middle of the night. Hubby was snoring loudly. Wilson was sleeping on my feet so I could not stretch out. I got up and slept on the sofa for the rest of the night.
Up at 5AM when Hubby put the dogs outside for potty. I went back to the bed in our room until 7AM.

I got up and made lattes. 

Hubby helped change the bedding. 

He put the comforter in the wash and started it. 

We had to meet the Ceramic Kote guy at the Car Wash by 9:30AM with the Dually so it could be washed.

Then I drove us both to the shop in the Jeep.

I put away new t-shirts while Hubby got all the vehicles out of the shop to put the Dually into the shop. Then one of the customers that parked his UTV at the shop came to get it out. (Customer's dog had gotten dragged under their UTV on Saturday and they quickly dropped the UTV off as they drove to the Vet in St George).

We left after the guy got there with the clean washed Dually to put ceramic kote on it.

We drove to Smith's and got milk/groceries.

Stopped at Mexican restaurant but they only offer burritos and Hubby did not want to eat burritos.

We drove home after Hubby got a phone call.

At home, unloaded groceries. Hubby made lunch. Made chicken for me.

We watched TV.

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