Friday, May 12, 2023



Up at 6:00AM. I had to potty. 

I went out to the kitchen to make a latte for Hubby. Returned to the bedroom so he could sip it. He stayed in bed with the dogs. Finally the dogs got up and I let them out for potty.

I gave milk and cheese to the cats.

Hubby made breakfast eggs for the dogs. 

I made Nanogreens and hot tea for myself.

I transferred $ from Quickbooks to Bank. I helped Hubby make the bed. He played red light with Sage. 

We got the TV ROKU set up again after I replaced the batteries in the remote? Which was really odd. The whole system re-set itself again and works. 

Hubby was getting ready to leave, but I had heart pain issues. Had to take a Nitro pill. Got really dizzy and laid down on the bed. Hubby stayed with me until 9AM. Then took my blood pressure (119/98) heart rate 97 with oxygen level of 100. 

Hubby left with Tater shortly after I got to feeling better. 

I went outside to see them off. Stan was outside and we said Hi.

Then I went inside. Watched TV for a while.

I did some bookwork later. I put laundry into the washer. I started the dishwasher.

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