Tuesday, August 04, 2020



Hubby was up before 5;30AM. He had left the alarm on for 5:30AM.

Hubby took the garbage can out to the street.

Hubby then took Tater on his walk with the Golf Cart.

I started to make eggs. I made the bed. I started making lattes & my Nanogreens.

I went out on my bike to Stan's house where Hubby and Tater were coming down the hill. I rode with them, but made Tater nervous. I went back home.

I finished breakfast.

Hubby came back with Tater and washed his feet outside.

Then he took Wilson on a walk with the Golf Cart.

I finished breakfast.

Hubby got back and sat on the sofa to watch TV and eat his burrito.

Dana came over at 9:45AM to talk with Hubby.

Hubby finally left to go to the shop. He was working on my metal tree.

I watched TV. Put away clean laundry. Curled my hair. Let dogs in and out. Went to get mail.

There was an explosion in Beirut, Lebanon today, quite large and awful.

Hubby got home at 4:00PM.

UPS delivered bag of door stops and Hubby's plastic flexible funnel.

He brought home the tree welded to a piece of metal. Then he took his chop saw and cut his wood in the back yard on the patio.

He still has to stain the wood and finish it.

Fed Ex delivered the new kitchen sink faucet we ordered.

We went swimming at 6PM-7PM. I drove the Golf Cart there, Hubby drove it back.

We had dinner.

Went to bed early.

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