Thursday, August 13, 2020



Up at 5AM.

Hubby made breakfast for dogs. I made lattes & Nanogreens.

Then I made the bed. I picked up dog poo.

Hubby cleaned the cat litter.

We got the collars on the dogs and drove down to the shop so Hubby could take some things out of the pickup bed.

Then we had to walk the dogs at the park across from Starbucks. They had to pee.

We drove to St George and dropped the pups off at Doggy Day Care.

As soon as we hit the other side of the Gorge, they got excited and knew they were going to Day Care.

We drove North to Lindon, Utah. Met Julie & Jeff at the Storage Facility there. Storage On Geneva. Went thru the Gate and followed Julie and met her husband, Jeff. Talked for quite a while.

 Storage On Geneva

Paid for the Armoire. The guys loaded it. Split one of the legs when dragging it over the edge of the garage door concrete. I picked up the wood splinter.


We drove South again.

Weird cop by the construction, weaving back and forth to slow traffic down for some stupid reason. None of the construction workers were even working!

Stupid truck with a trailer kept driving in the dirt and Hubby was upset - did not want new windshield to get hit by rock.

Stopped at Nephi to get fuel and food at Wendys. A hamburger for Hubby, burgers for dogs, chicken sandwich for me. We had to drive over to the side parking lot to wait for chicken sandwich - which was raw in some places.

We kept driving.

Some idiot tore across 3 lanes of traffic in front of a semi-truck to exit at a rest-stop. He had already passed us on the right and cut into traffic. Reckless driver.

Got to St George at 4:30PM.

Picked dogs up. The Day Care said that Tater had gotten a cut on his lip while he was playing. He was ok. Nothing bleeding.

I gave the burgers to the dogs when we got out to the parking lot.

We drove home.

At home, we unloaded everything.

Hubby glued up the leg on the armoire.

I ordered a Speakeasy Grille to add to the top doors of the armoire.

Hubby is going to wrap the bottom legs in metal straps to make them stronger.

I was exhausted. Both of us were exhausted. We sat on the sofa and watched Automotive shows.

I went to bed at 9PM. Hubby came to bed at 11PM.

Wilson got out of bed and pooped in the office again. I was too tired to get out of bed.

Wilson got out of bed again later, and Hubby took him out for potty.

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