Thursday, December 20, 2018




Got up at 6:30AM. Hubby had already tried to let the dogs out because Wilson barked, but the dog must have been dreaming.

Wilson & Ben slept on their bed all night long. Cats slept with us all night.

Got up and made lattes. Hubby made eggs.

I cleaned up breakfast dishes.

Hubby gave Wilson a Benadryl because his eyes are weeping.

We watched the news for any info on Katie's arrest. KREM did not cover it.

So Hubby took a shower. I cleaned up cat litter mess. I started dishes & laundry.

Hubby left at 8AM to go get his haircut at Mesquite Barber.

I cleaned out one of the junk drawers and accidentally dropped a candle lid made of glass in the pantry as I was trying to put it in the trash. It shattered and I had to sweep/vacuum up the shards. One of the pieces stuck in my toe. My toe was bleeding. The cats came and tried to play in the glass. I had to shoo them away.

Wilson and I went for a short walk, but he did not want to walk. Pooped on the sidewalk. I think he is not feeling well.

I came back and did more laundry. Put dogs outside to nap.

Construction workers came to work on the roof next door. Lots of banging.

I played Xmas music.

Made Xmas toffee.

Chocolate Maple Brittle

Wrapped Xmas presents in our closet so that the cats cannot destroy the wrapping.

I made potholders for hubby Xmas present


Hubby got home at 3PM.

He changed clothes into some nice blue jeans & flannel shirt.

We packed up the Maple Chocolate Saltine Brittle on a Target plate and put foil over it for the party. I wore a gift box on my head.

Then we went over to the Pioneer Center for the Accoustic Music Set. It was from 5PM to 7PM. Very good singers. Guitars, Harp, Percussion. It was a nice evening, even though I expected more Xmas music.

Went to Norm's party. Drove over instead of walking. Then we had a snack/dinner with them and 2 couples of new neighbors along with Dave & Carmen. It was a nice night.

At 9PM, we left and went home. Had to let dogs out of the house for potty.

We watched a little tv and went to bed. 

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