Wednesday, May 20, 2020



Up at 6AM. It was quite cool this morning. Only 54 degrees.

I made latte for hubby and green tea for me. Then I went for a 3.5 mile bike ride. Building up everyday, a little farther.

A little head-wind coming from the north. 

Came back and sat on the patio. I was not sweating as badly as I usually do.

Sun On Patio

Ate yogurt along with Vitamin D pills. Hubby had his burrito.

Dogs barked at people passing.

I picked up dog poo. Hubby cleaned cat litter.

We came inside and Hubby put my chicken to soak in Yoshida's sauce.

I started Roomba cleaning in bedrooms. Started laundry. Cleaned up breakfast dishes and started dishwasher. Hubby vacuumed.

We put the Pet Safe plastic bar down on the floor to train the cats. We made sure it was working - it electrocuted us! Put the collars on the cats. Then RATTLER decided to sit on top of it! He ENJOYS getting shocked. OMG!

Cat Getting Shocked

We sat on the patio and enjoyed the afternoon. Dogs did not bark; they took naps.

At 4:00PM, we decided to take Hubby's prescription for the Leg Compression machine to Mesquite Medical. But there were too many people there and Hubby did not want to try going inside. We will come back later.

Drove to the Building and waited for everybody to come by 4:30PM. First there was the Realtor. Then Eric & Dean showed up. Dean helped me out of the truck. LOL. Such a gentleman.

We went inside and everybody else started arriving. Lupe brought his wife Doris and their 3 nieces. The girls are very pretty. Pat & Suzy were there.

Walked thru the Building. Jose was the last to get there. He had some hesitations about if it would work for him. Has to have a lot of build-outs come down and then the major load bearing wall has to be re-done for him. Dean said it would be no problem.

L-to-R Lupe, Jose, Eric, Hubby

Made arrangements to meet again next Wednesday to determine how much square footage everybody wants and what will work for them.

Hubby and I went to Walmart for more groceries, meat log, milk, eggs, green tea. Then we came home.

Discovered that the dogs (which we had trusted and left out in the house) had chewed up all my recipes that I had left out. It was my fault for leaving them out. But that means that Tater is still chewing things he should not. So no more leaving them out. They will be put in the kennel from now on.

Both Hubby and I were exhausted by the time we got things cleaned up. Then he took a Benadryl and fell asleep on the sofa.

We went to bed early at 8:30PM.

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