Friday, May 20, 2022



Up at 4AM when Hubby set alarm. I got up to potty then went back to bed.
Hubby got up and let dogs out for potty. WIND WAS BLOWING REALLY HARD.
He made breakfast eggs for the dogs & fed them.
I got up and made a latte for Hubby.
Hubby packed all his stuff he needed for the trip to Caliente this weekend.
He threw all the bags over the back fence. 
He put the grille in the front entry way so the guys could come pick it up.
I waved him off as he walked around the back of the house and got into the RV and trailer. The RV started beeping because he did not open the doors on the front first.
Then he left. The dogs watched him leave. Tater was sad.
I went back inside and watched TV. I am still tired, but could not go back to bed.
I made the bed. I made a latte for myself. I cleaned cat litter. I picked up dog poo. I put garbage out in garbage can.
I tried working on ERTC, but still too complicated. I will have to wait until Hubby comes back to watch the dogs so I am not interrupted.
Hubby tried to call me and the call did not come thru. I called him later. He said he had gotten to Caliente by 9:30AM. The refrigerator was not work.

Fed Ex guy came and delivered some earrings I ordered from Greece on Etsy.

I left at 2:30 to go get my nails done with Andy.

Afterwards, I stopped at Dairy Queen to get a chili dog & vanilla malt. I should not have done that, it upset my stomach.

Went home. Let the dogs out for potty. Gave them cheese for treats.

Watched Dr Who for a while. 

Opened the front door. It was a cool night.
Went to bed at 10PM, Wilson got up off the bed and had to go out for potty at 11PM.
Finally back to bed. 

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