Tuesday, September 17, 2019



Got up at 7:30AM. I made the bed and opened the mini blinds.

Then I came out to the kitchen and made lattes.

Hubby was already dressed! He had emptied the cat litter and taken out the garbage dumpster.

I went outside with Wilson to pick up poo. Hubby took Tater out with him to the garage. Tater ran away to play with Cosmo when the family when walking by the house. Cosmo & Tater played. Hubby had to carry Tater back to the house.

I sat down in the office to eat breakfast. Hubby vacuumed.

We had to shut the screen doors and turn on the A/C because it was 83 by 8:30AM.

I updated my blog.

We left at 9:20AM to go for Slots Tournament. Hubby got 34,810. I got 35,420. Some lady behind us got 75,000+ points, so we figured that she would be the winner today. Talked to the Trivia president that was sitting beside me.

Slots Tournament Scores

Drove home. Let the dogs out to potty. Hubby went to look at the truck.

I ORDERED THE NEW IPHONE 11 PRO WITH 256GB FROM VERIZON. It will be here Oct 10. I got the Space Grey color.

Apple iPhone 11 Pro

We left at 11AM to go over to St George.

Stopped at Red Rocks Doggy Day Care, but they said that there was a Leptospiriosis Virus that was going around and asked if we wanted to leave the dogs. We decided against it.

Drove to the Feed & Farm Store around the corner, Hubby ran inside to check their vaccines; but their vaccines were in an all-in-one and the dogs JUST need the Lepto shot and not all the rest.

Then we drove to Hurricane to check on the storage at UnderCover RV & Boat Storage; but it was on the corner and would have been in the sun/snow a lot of the day for $90/mo. That is too expensive.

So we researched Camper Covers and decided that we would ask Lupe if he could store it on his property.

We were both hungry, so found a park to walk dogs. Then went to Little Caesar's to get a ready-to-go pepperoni pizza. Stopped at PERKS to get blended lattes.

Drove back to the park and ate lunch. Kids came by after getting out of school. They petted the dogs.

We drove back to St George to pick up the steel that Hubby needed to make braces on the truck to secure the camper. Stopped at the NEW Steel Yard; then had to pick up the steel at the old place down the road.

Drove home at 3PM. We thought the traffic would be backed up in the gorge, but it was not.

Wilson had fallen asleep on Hubby's arm as we drove thru the Gorge.

 Wilson Sleeping

Stopped at Pilot in Desert Springs to get lottery tickets.

Drove home. Because it was such a pleasant, warm night, we sat outside on the patio with the dogs.

Watched Downton Abbey for a while.

Went to bed at 10PM.

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