Friday, June 13, 2014



Hubby did not wake me up this morning, said goodbye as he was going out the door. I asked him why he did not wake me up, he answered that I was mumbling in my sleep that I was very tired. Odd.

Got up and gave ham to the dogs for their morning treat.

Did laundry & dishes.

Cleaned up around the house.

I left at 1:00PM to go exercise. I remembered to take my water this time.

At the gym, I did my circuit which took 30 minutes. Then I did 50 Stories on the Stair Climber and walked 5 miles on the Treadmill. Then I tanned for 10 minutes.

Stopped at McDonalds for burgers for dogs.

Went shopping at Super One. Forgot pie shells. Went back for them, but could not find them.

Over at Steins, I purchased pie shells. Then came home. Dogs like burgers. I had also gotten them bones. That kept them busy for a while. I unloaded groceries and put my car away.

Wes came up to get the lawnmower to mow by the shop.

Hubby got home at 5:45. He changed clothes & went to the shop with the beer I had bought for him.

I watched DUNE on tv. Went to bed at 1:00AM when hubby came home.

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