Tuesday, December 17, 2019



Slept 1/2 way thru the night in bed, but then had horrible pain. Got up and went potty, then went to the sofa to sleep. Took a painkiller.

6AM and I was up. I let the dogs outside. Hubby was still sleeping until 6:34AM. He started Xmas music on Google Home.

Watched TV. Then made lattes. I had applesauce for breakfast.

Then Hubby got dressed.

We left at 9:15 with the dogs in the Dually.

Drove to St. George. Wilson was whining the whole way. I forgot my coat. It was only 37 degrees in St George.

Hubby walked the dogs along the trail by United Hairlines. Then I went in at 11:25 early. Hubby drove to Costco.

I got  my hair done with Brianna. She gave me smoothing serum for my Xmas present. Hubby got there and I got cash to pay Brianna. She had disappeared from her station, but I found her in the break room.

Stopped at 5 Guys to have lunch. We ate inside then took a hamburger out to the dogs.

We drove to Costco again to get diesel fuel for the Dually.

Drove home. I was really tired.

Stopped in Desert Springs to get lottery tickets.

Hubby had to drive around where he stored the Camper to see if it was wet or muddy there. Then we stopped at Danielle's Chocolates to get more popcorn.

Drove home; 2:30PM when we arrived home.

I took a painkiller and passed out on the sofa until 5:45PM. I had been in lots of pain.

Hubby watched his Automotive shows.

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