Sunday, April 24, 2016

DOG WALK & Shopping at Lowe's


Woke up at 5AM, hubby had gotten up at 4AM because he could not sleep, but came back to bed freezing cold at 5AM. He woke me up. We both went back to sleep until 8:30.

Got up and made eggs for dogs.

I helped hubby feed the dogs.

We sat around watching TV (hubby's car shows) until 9:30 then got dressed. KR was coming to walk dogs with us. She brought hubby a latte from Rathdrum.

Loaded dogs into the Dually and we drove to the park. It started to rain, but we walked the dogs in the campground and the rain gradually let up.

As we were leaving, some people pulled into the campground and we had to load the dogs quickly. They said they were there to pick out their campground site for the 4th of July weekend.

We drove back home and unloaded dogs. KR & I went potty. Then I changed from a sweatshirt to a sweater as it was still cold. Took Bravo & Wilson with us in the Dually. KR drove her own car home.

Passed a cop on Diagonal, but he did not pick either of us up for speeding even tho we were going over 60.

Stopped at the dump and threw out hubby's old shop lights. Bravo barked at the lady at the dump, Wilson preened for the lady.

Picked KR up at her home and we drove to Lowe's. Drove thru the inside, but no parking spots available. Too many people inside the yard. Parked at the Garden department. KR picked up plants, we picked up can lights, ceiling fans, & a new garbage disposer. KR purchased plants, holders for lights, plant pots, and a water feature for her backyard.

Then we ate at Qdoba. KR and I had Loaded Tacos while hubby had Loaded Nachos.

We drove to KR's house and unloaded her things. The two little dogs were OK and had not killed themselves!

We took Wilson and drove home. Stopped to look at homes in Tullamore (yuck), picked up lattes at Jitterz in Rathdrum, and shopped for honey at Super One. When we left Super One, a kid came over and petted Wilson. There were people in the Parking Lot handing out Bee Colonies to people who had purchased them.

I had a slight problem with my bowels and we drove home hurriedly so I could take care of it.

Hubby got the John Deere Riding Lawnmower running, he unloaded the groceries. I started making pasta for him. He made a pasta sauce mix with the hamburgers from the other day.

We watched TV and I did laundry & dishes.

Went to bed at 11:00 after the news.

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