Saturday, March 08, 2014



At 3:15AM, we hop out of bed and I make hubby 4 breakfast sandwiches so he can share with the guys. While hubby is giving the dogs their pills with eggs, I clean up. Isabelle is let outside so she can potty. The other dogs go out on their own.

Afterwards, hubby says goodbye and we squishy dog Benjamin. The other dogs are sleepy.

Turn on the heat to 68 because it is freezing. I go back up to bed and am warmly cozy in bed by 4am.

However, Lil Bit decides to bark at something moving outside. All the other dogs tear out on to the front deck and bark also.

After they settle down, Lil Bit comes upstairs and I have to pick him up so he can sleep with me. We sleep until 9:45! Blessed sleep.

Get up and make juice breakfast.

Make Kale Chips, watch TV, do the dishes, do the laundry. Do more dog laundry. Put away laundry.

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