Monday, July 29, 2019



Very Hot and Humid again today.

Got up at 7:30AM. Hubby had already made eggs for dogs & fed them.

I made an egg for myself and ate it with watermelon. No turkey bacon in house.

Hubby vacuumed and picked up cat litter.

I picked up dog poo and took out the garbage.

I went out front to see that there were lots of dead grasshoppers, so Hubby got his Blower from the garage and used it on the front entryway. The dogs barked because they heard the Blower from inside the house.

I picked weeds in the front yard. Those weird spreading weeds.

Then Hubby sprayed some Vinegar in the Dually again to take out the smell of the milk that Tater had spilled.

Hubby briefly stopped at Mark & Nancy's house and then drove to the shop.

Hubby made a flower for Kerry so we can give it to her tonight at Bingo.

I stayed home with the dogs and picked up dog poo in the back yard. I put the Roomba in our room to clean. I did laundry and started the dishwasher.

I was really still zombified from the Benadryl I took last night.

Hubby got home at 3PM and immediately had a shower. He had forgotten to bring home the metal art that he had made.

Put the dogs in the kennel so they would not get into trouble.

So we had to take the Expedition down to the shop at 4PM. Hubby had still not painted the flower, so we will wait until tomorrow after he paints the flower to give it to Kerry.

 Dragon Fly
 Flower for Kerry

We rushed to Bingo and got a parking spot in the shade. Ran into Frank on the way inside. Hubby went to purchase the extra Green cards while I checked us in and picked our Blue cards and got our sandwich "tickets".

Hubby had a Coors light midway thru the game, and got up when he thought he won the Hard-Way Bingo. However, we had told him 3 times that he could not use the "free space" in the middle of the card! He did NOT WIN the BINGO.

Kerry asked if I wanted to paint with her and a friend at 1PM tomorrow. I showed her the picture of the beautiful painting in the bathroom of the Senior Center in Mesquite. She said that we can do that tomorrow.

I had to drive home after Bingo. None of us at the table won tonight.

At home, my right knee was hurting REALLY BADLY. I could barely walk on it. Put a lot of pain relief cream on it. Took a hot bath. Took some aspirin. Went to bed at 10PM.

Hubby got to bed at 10:30PM after putting dirty dishes away.

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