Monday, July 22, 2019


JULY 21 2019

Got up at 8AM. Slept late because still tired.

Hubby made dogs eggs. I made eggs for me.

Hubby fed the dogs. We sat on the courtyard to eat. It was already getting hot because we got up so late.

We cleaned house. Put breakfast dishes in dishwasher.

Hubby vacuumed. I picked up dog poo. He got the cat litter cleaned.

We put dogs in the Expedition and drove to St George. Traffic was not back thru the construction in the Gorge going there.

Stopped at Lowe's, walked the dogs in the grass. They both pooped.

Put a padded blanket down in a cart for Wilson. Picked up grout cleaner. Tater liked getting petted by people in the store. Then he stuck his nose on a woman's leg and her husband turned around and kicked out at Tater. Rude asshole.

We looked at other things in the store and got padded white cushions for the bar stools. Then paid and left.

Gave dogs some water. Loaded them in the car.

Stopped at  Five Guys to pick up hamburgers. I waited in the car while Hubby went and got hamburgers. We shared with the dogs. Hubby ate too fast.

We drove back home. Over 1 hour wait in the Gorge traffic. It was hot and awful. Lots of people trying to get ahead of the traffic at Cedar Pocket exit and on-ramp. Assholes.

We left St George at 12:45 and did not get home until 2:30PM.

At home, dogs got water, pottied. We were both exhausted.

Hubby took a nap for 2 hours.

Left the dogs in the house by themselves. Hoping that this builds trust in Tater so he does not destory things.

We went to swim by 6:30PM. I did not exercise.

At 7:30PM, we came back home. Tater had peed in the hallway.

We cleaned it up and took dogs to the Dog Park downtown. Nobody there tonight. Later, Christie Ann and her older gentleman owner came. But we left.

Drove home.

Exhausted. Went to bed at 10PM.

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