Tuesday, May 07, 2019



Got up at 6AM.

Made lattes & breakfast eggs.

Hubby fed dogs.

We sat on patio for a while.

Window Cleaner, came late at 9:30AM. He got to washing windows after talking for a while.

Found a brick sinkhole in front entryway sidewalk. John came over to talk to Hubby & tell about trip.

Hubby called Darryl to get brick taken care of; Kokopelli is supposed to come out tomorrow to look at it.

I was going to walk the dogs, but as soon as we stepped out the door, WILSON pulled out of his collar and ran away.

I went back inside to get his other collar. Hubby walked after Wilson who was waddling his fat little but into the street with on-coming traffic. He barked at the window washer, Vasu, then ran down to the park.

Hubby said as soon as he peed in the park, he jumped into hubby's arms! Thank goodness. A loose Schipperke is a GONE Schipperke!

Vasu finished cleaning windows.

We drove down to Mountain America CU to have paperwork notarized for Homestead Application of Nevada property.

Picked up money order at Walmart for paperwork.

Mailed paperwork.

I went over to talk to Dee at 2PM. Talked with her until 3PM.

At 3PM, we drove up to Mesa to cut off old flagpole.It was overcast, cloudy, and windy. We thought it would rain, but the rain was far away.

Hubby at Flagpole

Panorama of Mesa

Storm Clouds Over Sun City

Came back with clouds in sky.

We decided to go swim at 6PM. On our way, Dave & Norm waylaid us again at Dave's house. I had to mention that we were swimming.

Swam inside, pool was COLD!

Then we went outside to sit in hot tub. Dave & Carmen joined us with a new guy named Dan who purchased property up in Scenic. He talked to Hubby quite a bit because he wants to sell the other pieces of the property he & his friends bought.

We left at 7:55PM when Kevin came and told us it was time to close.

I took a shower and met Hubby outside the changing rooms.

We drove home.

I was tired. Drank lots of water.

We stayed up until Midnight to watch Unforgotten on Amazon Prime.

Hubby napped from 9PM-Midnight.

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