Saturday, May 25, 2019



Got up at 6:30AM.

Hubby made eggs for the dogs. I made lattes.

We sat on the courtyard, using the new patio set for the first time.

I took the comforter off the bed so that I could wash it.

Put away clean clothes.

Found that Tater had peed in the front hallway again. 

Hubby and I went over to take care of Buddy - fresh food & water, clean potty pads. We left the windows and back door open all day for fresh air.

Then we came back. Hubby worked on baking more breakfast casserole; made baked baby carrots; and I worked on his Disability Claim online. It took me from 10AM to 1:30PM.

We went riding on the Can-Am up to the Mesa and then around the wash until 5PM.

Got back and I took a shower right away.

Then Hubby took a shower.

I worked on my Wreath.

Tater ran around being nuts. He bit a piece of the tree off, he dug up a hole in the side courtyard, he played in his water. Could not get him to calm down.

We watched Kill Bill 1. Then we watched some of Red Dragon.

Tater finally fell asleep at 9PM.

Tater Finally Sleeping Next to Wilson

We put the dogs in their kennel at 10:30PM and went to Walmart to shop.

Got milk, b-day card for Kerry. Hubby used his credit on a Walmart card that he did not know he had in his billfold. It was for over $80. So we still have credit left on the card!

Came home and unloaded groceries.

Went to bed at midnight.

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