Sunday, May 26, 2019



Up at 2AM when hubby let Wilson outside to potty. He came to our bed and I had to run around the house to get him up. I put my hand on his butt and it was covered in poop!

So at 2AM, I was running water for a warm washrag to clean Wilson's poopy butt.

Then I went back to sleep.

Got up at 6:30AM.

Very Warm already this morning!

Hubby made eggs for dogs. He made a burrito for himself. I warmed up breakfast egg casserole.

I made lattes.

We sat in the Courtyard to eat breakfast.

Then I got up to clean Wilson's right eye. It is oozing green pus. Then Hubby gave him a couple Benadryl. We will have to call the Vet on Tuesday. Of course, it has to happen on a long holiday weekend.

Hubby went over to Dave & Carmen's to take care of Buddy while I vacuumed and put breakfast dishes in the dishwasher. I started laundry and put clean laundry away.

Hubby got back and emptied the vacuum container; then he sat down to watch automotive shows.

I cleaned the windows that the dogs had made dirty with paw marks. I will have to order more window cleaner.

Then I worked on my Wreath all day.
 Chicken, Rice, Carrots for Lunch

Hubby made me lunch at 1PM.

Rattler cat was sleeping on the sofa with his back legs out like a frog and his tail crooked.

 Ratter On Sofa

We took a break at 2PM to go look for some rocks to make the rock container. We drove over to Star Nursery, but they did not have rocks big enough.

Then drove to Walmart to pick up a door hanger (Command) to stick to the front door to display my wreath.

Walmart still did not have any food from our list yesterday in stock, so we went to Smith's.

At Smith's, hubby got hamburger and bratwurst. He picked up hotdog & hamburger buns. I found some more Vanilla Starbucks flavored coffee.

We drove home and I was exhausted. My back was hurting badly.

I took a hot bath.

Then worked on my wreath again.

I got done with the wreath at 6PM and we hung it on the front door.

 Wreath On Front Door

We watched TV until 10:30PM when we went to bed.

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