Friday, May 03, 2019



Got up at 5AM. Let the dogs outside.

Hubby continued to sleep.

I took a hot bath.

Then I made lattes. Started making eggs. Hubby finally got up at 6AM.

We fed the dogs their eggs; then we sat on the patio until 8AM.

I picked up dog poo. I vacuumed house. I cleaned up breakfast dishes. I started dishwasher & laundry.

Hubby went over to John & Dee's to feed the kitty and clean his water.

Hubby left to go pick up the flagpole that he had left at the welding place. He still needs to drill holes in the base.

Hubby got home at Noon and brought red square bricks for the backyard where Tater is digging; he brought sandwiches from Subway. We ate them on the patio. He had a beer.

Then he unloaded the bricks.

Hubby bent the hangers into hearts for me.

He left to go down to Todd's to take the Flagpole.
 After Welding
 With Paint

At Todd's Shop

Hubby got back again. He helped me put labels on my stuff in the closets in the totes on the shelves. 

Then he sat outside and took a nap. I came inside and paid the Verizon bill. I put away clothes. 

I put together a couple hearts for the Craft Sale in the Fall.

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