Tuesday, August 21, 2018


AUGUST 21 2018

Got up at 6AM.

We could see blue sky today!

Sun was still behind a cloud of smoke.

Turkey Momma and 6 babies were here today, eating grain.

Made eggs for hubby & dogs.

Made latte for hubby.

Cleaned up kitchen.

Hubby left at 6:50AM after watching his Sheep Show.

Deer was here to feed. I put out more apples. She ran away.

I started laundry & dishes.

KR said Spencer was having surgery to insert his Stent today. He made the appointment during the week so that she would not feel like she had to come see him. I tried to encourage her to fly over, but she did not want to do that. It was very nerve wracking having both things happening today...

My stress level is thru the roof. I feel like I could explode.

Left for CDA at 8:15AM. Got to Columbia Bank at 8:40AM. Hubby pulled right in behind me.

The traffic on 95 has grown to such enormous proportions. It was bumper-to-bumper the whole way. When I looked in the rear-view mirror it felt like being on the Interstate!

At 9AM, the Notary came in right behind us. We had to potty.

Went into a room right next to the Loan Officer's office. Signed all the document. Took 1 hour.

Then we chit-chatted for a while with the Notary guy. He was a 72 year old guy that was doing this for retirement.

RV Rental Site guy texted several times.

Had to send the deposit via Wire Transfer to Pulte. A Bank supervisor had to do the wire transfer, and we had to wait for Miranda, hubby left at 10:30AM and I stayed there until 11:15AM to finish the wire transfer.

Then I drove to Arby's to pick up roast beef sandwiches for dogs. I picked up a granita at Jitterz.

Drove home.

Picked up junk mail at mail box.

UPS had made delivery for the truck hubby is working on; so I took 5 boxes down to Casey.

I did more laundry. Put away dishes. Put out fresh water for cats & dogs.

Took a hot bath and cleaned off my feet.

Momma Deer & 1/ 2 grown baby came to eat, The baby had spots on it.

Hubby got home and we decided not to celebrate tonight. Instead, we will celebrate his last day of work on Thursday by going out to Fu-Ki on Thursday night with KR.

Watched TV and went to bed. Hubby was napping on the couch most of the night.

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