Friday, June 17, 2022


Up at 4AM.
Made latte for Hubby.
He left with the Dually and trailer for Phoenix, AZ.
I got up at 6AM when Tater was barking by the sliding glass door. I let dogs out.
I warmed up breakfast for them and fed them. I put tuna & shredded cheese out for the cats. 
I  picked up dog poo, put water out in the bird bath, and put out birdseed. 
I started the laundry and put it in the dryer.

I watched TV for a while. Made chicken with mayo for myself.
By 8:30AM, he was already on 93 South, the bumpy road off  Interstate 40. He said he was near Wikieup. I talked to him for a while until we lost internet contact. 

I filled out paperwork for LG Refrigerator Class Action Lawsuit, and I filled out online paperwork for Capital One Data Breach Class Action Lawsuit.

Hubby called for directions several times. He had already found Copart and loaded the truck. He was trying to find the Driveshaft Shop. 

Then I directed him to Blue Beacon Truck Wash. 

At 2:30PM, I left for my nail appointment. Called Hubby from my appointment. He had gotten on the highway and was already leaving Phoenix.

Got my nails done at 3PM. Then I drove to Wendys for burgers. 

Ordered Mayo only, but at home I found that they had listed it as NO Mayo and put pickles, lettuce, onion, tomato, mustard, and ketchup on them. I had to peel everything off and give the burgers to the dogs. Fed them little pieces at a time. 

I sat down to have a burgers. Then I had the rest of the marijuana brownie with ice cream. 


Watched TV for the rest of the night. 

Hubby had two trailer tires blow out on the interstate 93 going into Vegas. At Rosie's Saloon & Cafe he waited for Ralph to mount tires on wheels here in Mesquite. Chris picked them up along with electric impact gun & heavy jack. Chris was meeting his girlfriend at the airport by midnight so it was easy to leave early.

Hubby sat thru Karaoke at the Saloon & Cafe. Then he got on the road again by 10PM. 

I went to bed at 11PM. 

Hubby got home by 12:30AM. I was already in bed asleep.

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