Wednesday, October 16, 2019



Got up at 6:30AM, but I was awake with awful dreams and thoughts all night long, every hour. Sweating, fever, stomach pains. Feels like we picked something up in Idaho. 

I made lattes. Hubby was already up and reading about installing the new cabinets in the laundryroom on Youtube via his iPad.

Hubby made eggs for dogs, burrito for himself as breakfast.

We sat and watched Spokane News on tv.

 Rattler & Robert

Then he got dressed. I did vacuuming. Hubby emptied cat poo from the litter. I started a load of laundry.

We got stuff out of the camper. Then he made sure that he had the Thrift Store buys in the camper.

He left to go down to the shop & work on welding animals.

I watered the tree out front. It has lost lots of leaves. Looks dry - like it might be dying.

I picked up dog poo.

Tater was trying to play with a Praying Mantis in the back yard.

 Praying Mantis

Watched Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day. 

 I called Hubby at 5:30 and told him that he needed to be at home by 6PM to go for Couples Bunco at Dave & Carmen's. I cut up left over slice sausage from Costco and cheese that we had to take over. Hubby quickly washed his hair and changed clothes.

We put dogs in the kennel.

Steve/Raylene, Jay/Amy we met at the Eureka were there, Dave/Carmen, John/Dee, Rory/XXX, Norm/Linda, Me/Hubby were all there. One couple flaked out and did not show, so Dave/Carmen could not play.

At 8PM, we ate but lingered too long over conversation. I went back to the house to let the dogs outside in the back. However, they barked for the next two hours until we came home.

Mike came over right as we got home and complained about the barking dogs to Hubby.

We made sure the dogs did not bark the rest of the night. Put their electronic collars on them.

Went to bed at 11PM

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